Got My Kel-Tec .380


New member
Well I have been threating to get a Kel-Tec .380, but now I went and did it.

I walked into my local dealer's shop and saw 5 new Kel-Tecs and one of them was the chrome model. The price was $299.00 which was steep, but I was told that even if I ordered one it might take 3-6 months to get the .380 in chrome. So I paid the extra bucks to get the gun now. ( I think I could have gotten this gun in the $240 range?)

Anywho, even though I have heard that you should do a lot of prep on these guns before firing, I bought 6 boxes of ammo grabbed a few targets and headed to the range with no prep.

150 rounds with no problems.

I have since cleaned and lubed the gun and shot another 100 rounds with one FTE when my 14 year old son was shooting. I think me might have limp wristed as I had not warned him about that.

Normally I carry a Ruger SP101 .357, but I was still impressed with the authoratative presence of this little Kel-Tec. The boom was loud and the recoil was a slapper. The gun feels strong/solid when I cock it. This is not a "Saturday Night Special". (Unlike the cruddy Raven .25 I once had the misfortune of buying)

I will be carrying the P3AT this summer when the Ruger is just too big.

On the KTOG site they recommend carrying the gun hot with one in the chamber. It does not have a safety, but is instead double action. With one in the chamber you get 7 rounds and do not have to rack the gun to get the first shot off.

I was hesitant to do this at first, but I never think of my revolvers being unsafe with no safety so I have been carrying it in this mode.

I know this is not the Kel-Tec site but I just wanted to share my experience with this honey of a pistol.


New member
The guy was not BSing you about the hard chrome. It takes a long time to order one. It took a few month (if it comes in this weekend it will be 3 1/2 months) for me to order my P-32 in hard chrome. I'm in PA and I think the hard chrome P 3AT was going for $280 or $290 so you didn't do too bad in the price. Its a wise investment, since regular blued pocket pistols will show a lot of wear is carried regularly. Plus I go with the theory that small guns look bigger to a BG if they are in stainless or chrome.


New member
Hard chrome KT's are hard to find, period, especially as of late with the factory putting alot of effort into getting the PF-9 here before 2007. :rolleyes:

But seriously, you only paid maybe $30 high and it's the best finish for pocket carry on a KT. Sounds like you got a good one, too.
