Got my first Wheelgun


New member
Well I finally bought my first revolver last night. I traded my S&W Sigma for a Taurus 905 9mm. I shot about 100 rounds through it, and it is a blast to shoot! The accuracy is quite impressive out of such a short barrel. So far I think I made a good choice, does anyone have any knowledge on this gun that they could share? I am still not sold on Taurus' quality control, but this one seems to be put together nicely. If anyone has/does own one, I'd love to hear about how it works for you.


New member
I've had several Taurus double actions and they all worked well. I ended up trading them in, which wasn't their fault. There are a couple I dearly wish I hadn't sold.

I ran into quality problems with Taurus cowboy guns-- the Gaucho and the Thunderbolt. To be fair I think the Thunderbolt just needed to be broken in and was working properly when I sold it, but I have a minor shoulder problem that made using the pump gun unpleasant. And it was picky about my handloaded ammunition. So it just wasn't for me.

A lot of people will tell you they're junk because they're not made by that person's favorite company. If it works for you, that's all that matters.


New member
I have always owned Auto's ( Colt Commander, Smith Sigma, Ruger Mark2)
Finally Got A 357, been wanting one for a long time, I did not expect to get one(Think all my other hobbies took all the money) to my suprise, My Boss got me one. It is a Taurus 627 Tracker 7 shot,4" barrel. This gun is very nice to shoot,I think i shoot it better than any other gun i have owned.It is ported and very balanced. I think you will enjoy a revolver.One thing I noticed(could be wrong) it sure seems easier to clean at the end of the day. I do agree that you have to like what you are shooting, so if you are enjoing it "Go For It" .That Sigma that i owned was a 9mm and i did not like it,I have small hands and i convinced myself that this gun was right because i wanted to carry more rounds, all my buddies owned glocks ( have alot of friends that are in law enforcment) so i wanted to fit in without the price tag of a glock.I got rid of it because it did not fit my hand, plus if i was inside a house ,i could miss all 4 walls LOL. Learned a lesson on buying something because it was the thing to do. Hope this helped, HAVE FUN


New member
So far I have enjoyed having it. As soon as I can learn the "art" of loading the little clips it will get better. It is dead-on accurate at 7yrds, which is a real nice feature. I have a Taurus PT-22 and it needs to have a piece replaced, so I am going to see how good their warranty service really is. Hopefully they do good, fast work. Thanks all for the replies, and feel free to add more.


New member

If you get a chance to chrongraph that thing, please do & post the results. There's another fella on here who has inquired as to velocities from this particular gun.

Particulars here.


New member
dbsoundguy Let me Know how the warranty Service is. You can send me a PM
I will be calling them today or tommorow, I'll be sure to let you know.

invssgt Snail,

If you get a chance to chrongraph that thing, please do & post the results. There's another fella on here who has inquired as to velocities from this particular gun.

Sorry, but I have no way to chronograph the gun/rounds.