Got my CCW!


New member
As some of you may remember, i got my class A in Mass last year with a restriction of no CCW, because my police chief (it's at his discretion) said no. He did say though, to come back in a while (read: about a year) and prove that i could do it. Well since then, i joined the local gun club, picked up an SP101 3", and I go to the range as often as possible with ammo prices being the main limitation. I went back today, and he held up his end of the bargain... though he didn't seem too thrilled about it (something about a 23 year old carrying bugs him it seems). Right now they're checking out on removing the restriction.. worst case scenario is that i'll have to reapply and repay $100, but it is what it is in this state. Come Arizona, it won't matter much anyway.

So, congrats to me!

Sometimes it takes some work but I am sure you will find it all worthwhile and be able to say you earned it.
something about a 23 year old carrying bugs him it seems
23 yeal olds just bug me period...gun or no gun. :p


New member
Congrats on your it's time for your Wally Walk. :p

Rules for the "Wally Walk" this off another site.
So you got your CHL.

We assumed that you have already chose a proper holster, mag pouch (or suitable combination of substitutes) and cover garment and played dress-up in front of a mirror a couple of hundred times. But now, it is time to go live in the real world. It is time for you to go to WalMart!

1) You must park your vehicle at least 50 yards from the entrance of a regular WallyWorld (75 yards for a SuperCenter.) As you head for the entrance, you must perform a scan of the area including checking under parked vehicles for BG’s (Bad Guys.) Remember, grandma in an electric wheelchair is not a drive-by threat.

1A). Upon exiting car, surrepititiously adjust sidearm. Now don't touch it again unless your pants are about to fall off. Then tighten your belt

2) You MUST drive the shopping cart. No substitutes are allowed. Negotiating aisles full of screaming kids dropping cans of Chef Boyardee while Mom is on the cell phone and trying the latest Rosie O’Donnell Makeup & Fragrances is a good test of patience and self-control.

3) No quickies! Your stay at WallyWorld must last no less than 45 minutes. You can hang out in automotive and even double check the Rapala lures to see what’s new to kill an allotted rest time of 10 minutes. The rest of the time you must be on the move. An exception is made if you are with your significant other and she goes for the White Sale madness. You must park, wait and be ready to back your mate if things get hairy with the pillow throws or allergenic bedspreads.

4) You are gonna buy stuff so pick items from the top and bottom shelves to test your cover garment. Your mate can assist you and point out any deficiencies. If you are alone and store security or the cops have not arrived by the time you check out, you passed this test.

5) Check out: make sure you choose the busiest register. People will stand in close proximity and you must bear it with patience and avoiding contact. Beware of the people suddenly remembering a forgotten item and sending their mates to fetch it. They usually will brush against you on the way to get it.

6) Meal Time! If your WallyWorld serves Nachos, go ahead and get yourself a big serving of the suckers and wash it down with a Sam’s cola. If McD’s is the choice at the premises, get fries, onion rings, apple pie and a large Coke. ALL MEALS MUST BE CONSUMED ON SITE! No To-Go’s or you will be disqualified.

7) When you leave, repeat the scanning of the parking lot. Remember that now you are also dealing with a shopping cart that rattles like and old train and wants to go right all the time. Do not lose track of your surroundings because of this. If you have a car, open the trunk and introduce all your bags while facing outwards. Pick up Trucks: lower the tailgate and do the same. Keep scanning, you never know where the BG’s might be.

8) REMEMBER: Yellow lights = WallyWorld Security. Red Lights = Cops.

9) - Make test fall on floor in busiest area - near register or anywhere crowded. See if concealment can still be maintained. If you lose that then go back to GO and do NOT collect $200

10) Restroom break (even if you don't have to go), go through the motions, figure out what your going to do with your gun, while sitting on the commode


New member
That was pretty funny... Just got my permit last month, and the famous Wally-Walk for me ended up being stop #2 for me, stop number one being our local Sportsman's Warehouse. Figured if I have a breech in cover garment, it would be one of 4 stores in town where someone nice might tell me instead of calling the cops :D :p


New member
I took mine for it's first trip out to Home Depot. But it's been to Wally World many times since then!

The real test is if you have kids, training them to not draw attention to your weapon while out in public. Which is especially hard when your girlfriend's daughter views you as her own personal jungle gym and in-store transportation service, like mine does.


Being that I haul about a heavy 4" .357 mag, sitting on the commode in the restroom at a store etc, can be tricky. It's awkward to have it weighting down around my knee, still in its holster. On the floor is not a good idea. Some times I take it out and place it on my lap, sitting. I admit it looks weired. During those occations I'm praying that no tall person shall look down the booth, or that the glitch around the door shall let people see what I'm doing. A call to 911 will be the result, even though I'm the good guy.


New member
I always set it either on the toilet paper dispenser or on the commode behind me.

So have many cops, only to join the ranks of those who have lost their gun. :eek:

Keep your pants drawn up to just below the knees and either place the gun in the "hammock" formed by your BVDs or slide it into the leg of your pants, muzzle down. After completing your stay, reholster the gun if you have a retention system or place it safely nearby (paper dispenser) until your pants are fastened, then secure the firearm in the holster.

My instructor friend had a student attempt to holster his weapon, THEN stand up and fasten his pants. The holster was an open-top without a retention device. As he stood up, the belt line flopped over and let go of his gun. Rather than hitting the floor (bad enough) it dropped into the full commode! :eek: :barf: Fortunately this happened at the range restroom and not in Wally World. The guy came out of the restroom with his disassembled weapon dripping wet with water. :eek: He said the worst part of it for the guy was having to explain why his gun was that way. :D That gives new meaning to having a crappy day at the range.


New member
Heh, I look forward to the Wally Walk now. I just need to get me a holster.. speaking of, any recommendations for a 6'2, thin frame? I feel like any sort of holster combination will stick out like a big cancerous lump because i dont have any of my own lumps to speak of to hide the gun lump with. :confused:

Army Alpha

New member
Being that I haul about a heavy 4" .357 mag, sitting on the commode in the restroom at a store etc, can be tricky

Well that will teach you to use the bathrooms at Wal-mart (as if the smell was not enough).

any recommendations for a 6'2, thin frame

Go IWB, if you are too skinny, any pancake or OWB holster will probably print pretty good. You might be good with a SOB (small of back holster), but I dont care for those myself.

Not that it really matters, no one really notices (ie. pays attention) at stores like that anyways (at least in AZ, I CC daily and have been known to print like a Mofo and no stares for me)


New member
Trust me, i already feel like im getting old. What with the back and knee problems, driving more slowly..jeez.

Yeah if the CCW doesnt work out all too well out in AZ i might just give up and OC more often than not. Coupled with my oldness is a waning desire to wear loose t-shirts which would otherwise conceal a pistol and holster decently well. I think.