Got me some Heinie today.


New member
Bought a Glock model 20 sometime ago and now carry it for duty use. It had a set of factory adjustable sights [no nite sights] and i replaced them with a set a Heinie "Straight Eight Slant Pro"s" after reading all the fine comments on them in this forum. What a great set up they are!! The inserts are very easy to aquire do to the bright green dots, Everything about them is 1st class. Going to pick up some target ammo tommorrow and out to the range for some practice and test these sites out. If you ever need some nitesights for a handgun these sites are the ones to purchase.


New member
They may be good but whoever conjured up that name missed out on "desireability through association". I aint gonna put anything "Heinie" on my favorite piece! :eek:
Is that "anal" or what?


G. Kennedy

New member

The name was not conjured up. Richard Heinie designed those sights(He is known worldwide as THE pistolsmith for customized 1911's)!!


New member
Thanks G.K., That's good to know. It always helps to understand and now that I do i will look into them. They sound like a great idea.

Dave AA

New member
Just as an aside, I had mine done in Black-T, and it chips and wears easily. Other than that, there just about perfect. (But they do say HEINIE in bold print on the rear sight ;))

John Forsyth

New member
I will second G. Kennedy. Richard is the man on 1911's. I have a set of his SlantPro Straight Eights on my Kimber. They are the best! I need to go look at his website and see if he makes his sights for a Kahr.

(formerly johnboy)