Got GP100 back from Ruger...

Willie Lowman

New member
I had a GP100, 4" SS. Great solid gun, I wasn't crazy about the trigger. Anyway, a friend wanted to buy it. I told him that the gun could be sent to Ruger and they would take all the scratches out of the finish, replace any worn parts, etc. He would have a "like new" gun. He bought the gun and sent it off.

When the gun came back it looked great. There was a list of all the parts they had replaced (I don't know what they were).

After he got it back, one chamber would always come out of line after being fired. The cylinder would be rotated slightly and you could not fire another shot without indexing the cylinder manually. I figured out which chamber it was (always the same one) and that if you lined that one up with the barrel before shooting you could fire 6 without problems. My friend was content with this. If I still owned the gun I would be very angry to spend $50 to have the factory screw up how it works.

We know it could be sent back... again... and fixed... again... But at $50 a trip, this is getting expensive. (BTW this was a year ago so I doubt that Ruger would swing shipping at this point)

What do you think they did to it? Is there anything that we could do to straighten this out without causing greater problems?

Willie Lowman

New member
Note: When dry firing, you could feel the bad spot as it was harder to pull the trigger on the 'bad' chamber.

When firing live ammo, the cylinder would come so far out of whack that it had to be turned by hand (it would sometimes cycle on single action but it was very stiff.)


New member
Ruger should, and will I'm sure, repair that problem. I don't think you should leave it as it is. That is not safe, nor is that revolver effective. Call Ruger and ask them to pay for shipping this time.

dirty magazine

New member
It sounds like the ejector has a ding or gouge in it that prevents it from rotating the cylinder completely. Have a look and see if one of the spurs looks off.


New member
I had the same problem on a SP101 I bought new many years ago. I cannot remember the name of the part but there is a piece that raises up from the frame and locks into the notches in the cylinder to hold it in place to fire. Mine was defective. I called Ruger and they reluctantly sent me a new one in the mail. They hesitated until I told them I had already had the gun completely apart and back together and I assured them I could do it again. It was a simple fix.

They probably will not send you the part now, but should cover shipping expenses both ways. Call them. They won't pay shipping for repairing cosmetic damage, but if they determine it is something defective or dangerous on the gun I think they will take care of you for free.


New member
The little wheel at the back of the cylinder the pawl grabs may have a small little 'dink' in it or something, judging by how the other five round fire just fine. I would still take it back to Ruger, that would bug the hell out of me.

[EDIT] May I should have read the post above :rolleyes: