Got denied on a PICS check today.

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New member
So I got denied on a background check today. First time ever. Even just renewed my LTC a month ago.

The only time I have ever even been arrested was when I was in the Army. I had a miscommunication with my First Sergeant and I ended up not being somewhere I was supposed to be. I was arrested, spent the night in jail and released early the next morning. No charges were ever even filed once I spoke to my commander.. So there is no case for which to have a disposition.

Of course this is just me assuming why I was denied. Although that is the only time in my adult life I have even been arrested. Nothing more than one summary offense when I was 18 (15 years ago) and a couple traffic violations.

I assume that an arrest record for AWOL without a case disposition could certainly trip whatever system they use. I plan to send the Challenge form tomorrow along with a copy of my Honorable Discharge.

My only real question is this: Why has this never caused me to be denied in the past? I have filled out the 4473 dozens of times over the last few years. Do these things just "happen" sometimes?

And lastly, should I hire an attorney? Personally I don't think that will be necessary, since I have a pretty good idea of the cause of my denial.

Has anyone here ever had to challenge a denial in Pennsylvania before? What was the outcome?


New member
I forgot to mention that after the denial, the clerk at the gunship called the PICS worker for clarification and I was denied again.
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