Got careless (but lucky)


New member
I was out shooting with some friends, and we had eight guns between us, in seven different calibers. I grabbed the wrong box of ammo when loading up my 1911 and ended up filling the magazine with .40 S&W instead of .45 ACP. The first round was smack in the bullseye, but the gun failed to feed the next round (surprise, surprise).

I realized what had happened, and tapped the now-split .40 case out of the barrel. No harm done to me or to the gun, but it was a sobering reminder to pay attention.


New member
Ooh, Jeez. That's an eye-opener :eek:

I've had dreams where my mag is loaded backwards, with wrong ammo, or other crap like wood screws, etc. At least you weren't hurt.


New member
I picked up a box of 45 GAP inst4ead of 45 ACP one day

Had no idea there was another 45 semi auto round.

Shot ok, just did not cycle. I think I was on the third round before it dawned on me that the gun had never acted that way.

Very sobering and a big sigh of relief.

So much for the days of 357 magnum that you simply could not chamber in the wrong gun (or 9mm and 45 acp!)


New member
I've been shooting for over 40 years, how do you mistake a 40 for a 45?

The same way anyone makes silly, non-nonsensical mistakes.

Over Confidence
Simply not paying attention

How does anyone who supposedly knows the rules of safe firearms handling still have a Negligent Discharge?


New member
I've been shooting for over 40 years, how do you mistake a 40 for a 45?

I only have one .45 and haven't had it for very long, so I haven't been handling .45 ammo for years and years. Just prior to the mishap, I had been shooting a bunch of .22 and .380, and the .40 S&W rounds felt plenty big in my fingers after that! :)


New member
I once picked a 32WinSpecial out of a box of an old 30-30's (all Green Box Peter's) that my cousin and I were shooting out of his Canadian Cent 94 (nice gun). Maybe it wouldn't of chambered, I don't know? Point is, shooting and handling firearms requires your utmost attention, all the time:)


New member
Mine was dropping a 44 special into a 45 LC. I noticed it before I pulled the trigger. I had more than one box of ammo on the bench,,, stupid, stupid, stupid.
Thanks for sharing.


New member
I was helping a friend sight in a .308 win. rifle and noticed after the fact that he had some 7mm-08 ammo in a factory .308 box. I'm not sure if we fired any of the wrong ammo that day but it might explain the flyers.

We all get complacent from time to time and it's something that we must constantly fight against. ALWAYS clear a gun when you pick it up and ALWAYS double-check the headstamp.


New member
I had more than one box of ammo on the bench,,, stupid, stupid, stupid.

That was probably the biggest contributing factor to my mishap. Also, I was shooting my reloads, and I use the same generic white ammo boxes for both .40 and .45. The boxes were labeled appropriately on the end flaps, but in my carelessness I didn't notice the difference. They were older reloads, and I've since gone to larger fluorescent labels that cover more of the box, and each caliber gets a different color label. Hopefully that (along with paying more attention in the future) will keep this from happening again.

I still have the case, but I think it's up at work. I'll post a picture when I find it. Basically, the .40 case fire-formed to the .45 chamber as much as it could, but then split. If I'm remembering correctly, the split starts as a single crack at the case mouth, then splits into a "Y" shape as it progresses down toward the case head.


New member
I had forgot the 223 I put through the AK a while back.

Now that is truly dumb. I was both shooting on my bench and letting my brother shoot the AK for the first time.

I was talking and re-loading the clip for him (I use the 5 round ban clip exclusively as the 30 round banana is a pain so frequent reload but a more user friendly)

He fired off the shot and I whipped around, huh?

We have to check the gun, that one sounded wrong, maybe a bad round and bullet stuck in the barrel (old ammo, right......)

Found the 223 lodged in the guts and it was, #^&%.

I would not have guess it would chamber load in the clip, let alone cycle it nor fire it, but it did.

No damage other than to my ego but a damned good wake up call.

The 45 GAP was pure ignorance as I did not even know at the time glock had their own boutique round (one more nail in their coffin as far as I am cornered!) Embarrassing it took 3 rounds to figure it out.

You really do have to be careful out there, and mix ammo that might fit is high on the list (30-06 is not going to run in a 223) but some amazing combos that are unlikely can.

So any ammo that is remotely close has to be closely monitored.

Talking and shooting is also a bad idea. Do one at a time and have an awareness gap between each!


New member
Thanks for posting ....glad you, or the gun were not damaged...
Its a good reminder - when you have several guns at the range.../ to only keep one kind of ammo on the bench at a time.

Stuff happens !!


New member
I've had dreams where my mag is loaded backwards

You mean like this?


Adventurer 2

New member
I let a female friend shoot a number of my handguns - she was looking for a ccw gun. She loaded up a CM9 mag. First shot fired. Second shot click. Turned and smiled at me for help. She had loaded the mag with .380.