got around to shooting my commercial M1


New member
i shot approximately 40 rounds out of my commercial garand. i purchased it about three or for years ago before i knew about its construction. i did review the sloppy cast reciever warnings and luckily mine shows no signs of any of them.
.....i brought the rear sight up 11 clicks and sure enough the point of impact was right on. although the brass was not in one neat pile, ejection was approx four feet away. the clip ejection was not as posistive as i remember it should be, more like it just cleared the gun to the right. accuracy was as decent as any of the three m1a's i had in the past. fwiw bobn


New member
I'm holding a old Springfield gave to my son by my father in law! I keep thinking of ways to keep it but they don't Wash!:rolleyes: It's missing the front sight, and was rusted to the max. I cleaned it up and looks fine now!

Shoots fine, Someone butchered the stock to put a scope mount on it. Other then that it's intact. GOD I want it!:D