Got a spouse who carries?


New member
My family and I were discussing defense tactics this morning and it got me to wondering: how many TFL'ers have spouses or significant others who carry concealed? Whether or not your SOs carry, have you discussed tactics with them?

I'd also like to hear tales or ideas related to group defense (as opposed to strict self-defense). How would you set about protecting your loved ones in a fairly public place -- e.g., a restaurant or store being hit by a BG?



". . . for even in a nightcap a wolf does not look any more like your grandmother than the Metro-Goldwyn lion looks like Calvin Coolidge. So the little girl took an automatic out of her basket and shot the wolf dead." -- James Thurber, Fables For Our Time

El Rojo

New member
Does my spouse carry? What I carry is my spouse, but we are celebate if you are thinking of making any wise cracks!

Country Boy

New member
First, let me welcome you to TFL!

Second, No, my significant other doesn't carry. She isn't against the idea, it is just that she doesn't have a handgun of her own just yet. Right now, she is more worried about wearing something on her left hand than she is about wearing something on her right hip. ;)

What is popular is not always right.
What is right is not always popular.

[This message has been edited by Country Boy (edited May 17, 2000).]


New member
Here in Texas, it gets far too hot for this former MN boy. I carry a G27, my wife carries a Kel-Tec P40. Personally, I think she got the better buy, but I have a G22 as well, so...

During the winter (all three days), my wife carries a SiG P226 and I carry a Para-Ordnance P14.

We both shoot IPSC, IDPA, and I am trying to get her to play CAS with me (she is a bit too serious a shooter for that, go figure). She is NRA-instructor rated in her own right (pistol/rifle/shotgun, all muzzleloading, all reloading, personal protection), has been through Chuck Taylor's basic pistol, and is trying to scare up the funds to do a few classes at Thunder Ranch.


[This message has been edited by wakal (edited May 17, 2000).]


New member
The Mrs. carries a Glock 23 or a S&W M-36 3'inch brl .38 or a .380AMT depends on the weather. She has always carried a gun, even before she met me she packed a .22 Mag derringer or .38spl in college. Her Dad taught her well, she never leaves home without it.

Steve Smith

New member
My wife occasionally carries. She'll carry a lot more once she gets her permit (soon). We go through "what if" drills occasionally to help us work as a team if things go bad. She'sso cool when she's not yelling at me ;)

Gopher .45

New member
My wife shoots, shoots often at the range, and shoots well, but doesn't want to carry and this saddens me. Strangely, she is a huge proponent of me carrying (permitted) and we discuss potential threats and threat scenarios. She has compromised and decided on pepper spray and will be getting her own cc gun permit for those "rare occcasions" when she might need to carry. Not wanting to carry, what will she carry on those "rare occasions"? Not, not some dinky mousegun, she insists on her full-sized .45! I don't understand her, but I admire her!

George Hill

Staff Alumnus
Yup - and she lurkers here too.
She wont register or respond - but she often reads.

Mrs Kodiac on TFL? You guys would be in trouble!


New member
My wife has a permit and carries an Airweight Centennial Smith. She used to carry a Glock 19 till she changed to a smaller purse. :D


New member
My wife packs everywhere that is legal. She prefers the Walther P5 Compact 9mm in her Coronado purse or a fanny pack.

I'm slowly informing her about different tactics for various scenarios.


NRA? Good. Now joing the GOA!


New member
Yes, My wonderful girlfriend carries a Taurus M85. She is a natural point shooter, and can out shoot me with that particular gun. :)

Defend the Constitution from the foreign threat!!!!


New member
My wife carries a Glock 30 and shoots it very well. We both apply for our VA. permits tomorrow having recently relocated from Ga.
We have had some discussions on what to do if attacked while we are in the car. we have discussed how to separate if confronted while on foot. We have a code word known only to us if one of us wakes up in the middle of the night and hear something. This is in case the something we hear is the other one of us getting a snack.
Good Shooting!

"A rigid investment in flexability is but another closed system of thinking"

Kentucky Rifle

New member
My wife carries her .38 caliber Taurus Total Ti snub every day in a concealment purse. I've had a S&W Chief's Special for years, but the woman can shoot rings around me with a snub. I'm glad that she's so good.
Since she started shooting, she's always asking me if I want to go to the range! She enjoys practicing.


Mendacity is the system we live in.


New member
YUP! The Better Half definately carries. Don't try to take it away from her or you'll come back with a bloody stump! She carries in a pistol purse. Sometimes a fanny pack.

Our discussions on tactics have been pretty much limited to "Handle the really close stuff and watch my back." She's a great shot and would probably keep a cool head but I usually carry something a little more substantial that her M60 Ladysmith. Besides, I shoot a lot more.

Carry :D on


I prefer armed combat to unarmed combat. It's easier on the knuckles.


New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jimc:
and the kid can't wait to get a ccw either
of course it will be another 5 yrs for that

My wife carries. My son turns of age in November and has the license all filled out and ready to go. It sits on the table right behind me.
