got a prob w/K9...please help


New member
I went to the range tonite, and I experienced the "click-no bang". I did the tap, rack drill, to no avail. I don't know what the problem is, and I don't want to take it to a "smith if this isn't neccessary. Can you guys give me a piece of advice?

PTR 91

New member
Did you see if the firing pin even dented the primer on the bullet? Did you try more then one bullet?


New member
I tried 5 different bullets, and no, there were no dents in the primers. I thought maybe the firing pin was broke, but it appears to be a sturdy unit (in the detail strip directions w/photo I found online). I love the gun and carry it a lot, but I am Soooo glad I found this out on the range and not when my life hangs in the balance.

PTR 91

New member
Well that's strange. I don't know too much about this gun, does it have a firing pin spring? You can tell by takeing the gun apart and pushing on the firing pin. My point is if the handgun has a firing pin spring and the spring is broke then the handgun probably won't fire. I may be wrong but I had this problem a while back with a shotgun.


New member
Well, it is striker fired, and yes, there is a spring, I jus half hoped that someone would say, "Nah, you don't have to strip er down, just do this________" Naive, yes. I don't like the idea of taking it apart too much, though I know I can do it.

PTR 91

New member
Well like I said I could be wrong but it's a good place to start, all else fails bring it to the gunsmiths.


New member
The Kahr action is extraordinarily simple, with few parts.
If it's not hitting a primer, something serious is wrong.

Best guess is a broken firing pin or firing pin spacer is preventing the pin from moving forward.

Either send it in to Kahr, or see a gunsmith.


New member
Try the pencil test. Set the striker. Point the (unloaded, of course) gun in the air, drop a pencil, eraser first, down the barrel and pull the trigger while holding the gun pointed at the ceiling. If the pencil jumps, you're problem wasn't caused by the firing pin.

How about a bit more information? First time out with the gun? New or new to you? If new to you (used), any idea of how many rounds have been through it? Factory ammo or reloads?

I had a problem with one of my XD9s once when using some reloads. The loads were manufactured by a commercial reloading company (*not Georgia Arms*) that I had used before and trusted. For what it's worth, the guy had several range ammo contracts in his area. Anyway, a couple of rounds into a new mag, the gun didn't fire. I looked close at it and it appeared to be in battery. Ejected the shell and there was no striker mark. Happened again a few rounds later. This time, it was clearly out of battery and I hit the back of the slide with my palm. Seized but the gun so bad I had to use a dowel down the pipe to get the round out. Went through with a case gauge and many of the rounds were no-go. Most were very slight, almost fits. I shot every single one of them through one of my tanks (S&W 5946) without a hitch at the next range. This was a very odd problem and stumped me completely until I got the case gauge. The ammo worked perfecting in my Glocks and S&Ws and even a Browning Hi-Power.

Another thing I can think of is, if the gun has been shot at least a fair amount, there may be junk (sludge) in the firing pin channel. So maybe a detail strip and complete cleaning might be in order.