Got a new toy today.

Went to a local gun show this morning. This endeavor is turning into a non event the last couple of years.
Lots of guns, but way more than retail prices. Ok so I want to Drive to an event, Pay to get in. Then pay more than I would other wise for a gun.

Any way I did get a chance to handle a few fire arms that I do have interest in.
So was not a total waste of my time.

But I did happen across some thing I have been wanting to add to the mix for some time.
A LEE Auto Prime 2.
Its new old stock so I will need to clean it up and graphite it a bit before I can tell how well it will work.

Its not like I dont have ways to prime cases. I think I am primer option poor now.
But a want is a want.
When I first started reloading I primed on my LEE press. While using the press the primer arm poped out and landed on the floor and broke.

I had to wait three days for the new part. I think that effected me mentally. I now obsess about priming. I can for 100% certainty say I will always have a way to prime a case.

Here my new to me LEE.


My RCBS bench mounted priming tool.


Of course with the addition of the fix to keep the primer arm in the press. I can still do it the old way.


I can break out a LEE loader if I have too.


I can break out the old stuff if I have to.


Or just grab one of the hand primers I have around.
So yes it is entirely possible I am suffering from an obsession.:rolleyes:


New member
Can any of those hand primers you have lying around prime a .338LM case? I've been priming on a Lee Classic Press and I am not fond of priming on the press.
At $118, I'd better be able to hand prime 20mm cases :)

No doubt.. Its one of those items, If you dont have one. You dont need it because you can find other ways to prime your cases.

If you do have one. Your not ever giving it away. If I had to get rid of most and could keep one. It would be the one I keep.
It is by far the best I have used or most likely will ever use.
I take sized and prepped, mixed head stamp 223 cases.
After priming, I can sort by head stamp. With out looking at the case.
Just by the feel of the primer being inserted. Its that precise.

Since I got mine they have come out with another priming tool. Its not better, but it would be more versatile for priming many cases.
Its the LEE hand primer on steroids.
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New member
Lee makes a shell holder for 338 win mag and 338 ultra mag. Shell holder #5. Don't know if 338 LM is different.