Got a new Taurus 66

Desert Heat

New member
I have had this a while now, but finally took a pic. I was never a fan of Taurus at all, can't stress that enough, but this wheel gun caught my eye. I always wanted a 7 shot revolver, and this looked just like the SW 686. It is a tackdriver that functions perfectly, so glad I got it. I just wish ammo was cheaper. This was a steal at $300 new.



New member
Nice, I have the exact same gun. Scheels was selling the one I bought, used, for $260. I asked, "What's wrong with it????" Sales guy said, "nothing, it just doesn't have the box or manual, just the locking keys and the holster." I slapped down my walled and said "SOLD". I basicly stole it from them at that price. $300 is still a very good price.

I handload so cost of ammo is not much of an issue for me. I use Laser Cast bullets with no problerms.


New member
That's a great looking 66. I've been looking for a cool S&W but either don't like the price or can't find one. I might check out the 66 (blued ... after I get a new .22 with a scope of course :p).

I have a Taurus 608 8 shot now and really enjoy it. I haven't shot it a ton but need to more this spring. I got it for $300 used. The only bad part, as you can see in the pictures, is the scaring up on the front site where the ports are. I don't have a clue how to get that off.



Here's a Taurus 66 I found on I really dig the look!



New member
Great looking Tauri guys! :D

I felt I was getting my Taurus Tracker .357 for a steal as well -- LNIB for $260.00. Whoever had owned it before me had shot it very little, if ever at all. :)


New member
The only bad part, as you can see in the pictures, is the scaring up on the front site where the ports are. I don't have a clue how to get that off.

You might try some Flitz metal polish, first with a soft cloth and if that doesn't work, some 000 or 0000 steel wool.


New member
is the scaring up on the front site where the ports are. I don't have a clue how to get that off.
Cheap toothpaste
I bought two stainless 85s years ago that were covered in some sort of weird oxidation or something and had the same discoloration around the cylinder and frame.
It took about an hour to make them look like polished steel


New member
JOAB wrote: "Cheap toothpaste
I bought two stainless 85s years ago that were covered in some sort of weird oxidation or something and had the same discoloration around the cylinder and frame.
It took about an hour to make them look like polished steel"

That's funny you would post such a remark. I just purchased a Taurus ss model 85 and has the same dicoloration around one end of the cylinder. Got it for $189.00 which made it hard to pass-up. I'll give your toothpaste method a try.


New member
JOAB wrote: Cheap toothpaste
I bought two stainless 85s years ago that were covered in some sort of weird oxidation or something and had the same discoloration around the cylinder and frame. It took about an hour to make them look like polished steel.

Today I tried the toothpaste ... and while it didn't get the scaring completely off, it did help quite a bit. Thanks for the tip JOAB!!


New member
You might want to try a lead-away cloth on that staining...>

...I use it to clean the fouling on my revolver (Taurus M689 shown below) particularly the front of the cylinder and the chambers after shooting 38spl rounds and it works very well and quickly. Note that it is for use on stainless guns only and will apparently remove blue.



New member
Doogle, that is a pretty snazzy looking revolver you have there. Is it strictly .38 Spl? Or can it run some .357s through there?

And I have a Taurus as well, the M94 .22 lr 9 shot revolver. Sweet little gun. The only bad thing about it is the heavy trigger. Do the newer Taurus triggers have the heavyness issue?



New member
stillborn - the M689 is a .357mag revolver...>

...equivalent in size to the S&W K-frame. To my knowledge Taurus has discontinued this model.

The single action trigger is very good, light and crisp, but the double action pull is only average.

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New member
You might want to try a lead-away cloth on that staining...>
...I use it to clean the fouling on my revolver (Taurus M689 shown below) particularly the front of the cylinder and the chambers after shooting 38spl rounds and it works very well and quickly. Note that it is for use on stainless guns only and will apparently remove blue.

Doogle ... since mine isn't stainless will that still be ok? Here's an updated picture. You can see the black marks aren't quite as bad.



New member
DarthTedd - your M608 is stainless, isn't it?...> certainly looks like matt-finish stainless.

If it is a blued gun don't use the lead-away cloths.

If it is stainless the lead-away cloths would be OK. The only concern may be the front sight blade if that is blued steel, but you easily could work on the staining area without touching the sight.


New member
great pistol

i bought a model 66 a couple months ago great gun accurate smooth flawless payed 314$ 6inch stainless 7 shot awesome


New member
Doogle wrote ...

If it is a blued gun don't use the lead-away cloths.

If it is stainless the lead-away cloths would be OK. The only concern may be the front sight blade if that is blued steel, but you easily could work on the staining area without touching the sight.

I see what you mean. Yea, it's matte finish. I might try the lead away stuff here in the next couple of weeks.