Got a Mec-Tec Carbine Conversion Upper!

Futo Inu

New member
Had quite an eventful weekend: Got a CCU in .45acp for 1911 frames - actually had a few holes in the target, despite shooting it for first time with NO sighting system of any kind - ha. It's a hoot. :)

[Then - OT - dislocated my elbow playing hockey Sun - learned an additional nuance to the definition of pain - can you say "Lor-Tab"? Somewhat out of commission for a few weeks, looks like. :( ]


New member
Those MecTec uppers are a lot of fun. I never owned one but a lot of local guys do. I always thought that would be the perfect platform for a suppressor. Assuming .45 ACP, the round is subsonic with great for pistol, power. Plus you can take it off and still use your regular 1911.

Too bad about the hockey injury. More internet time.

Futo Inu

New member
An acquaintance of mine says he thinks the best use for the CCU would be for a small plane pilot to keep in his plane. Then carry his pistol that goes with it. Then, if he crashes, but survives and is in a position where he needs to take game for food, it'd be a marked improvement over the pistol, due to sight radius (or scope/red dot), and shoulder stock.

[PS. About that injury, if anyone here is familiar with this type of injury, and can give me a little med advice by email, I would sure appreciate it. The ER doc just popped the joint back into place (after amnestic), and sent me on my way with Rxs, but recommends I see an orthopod, to check for ligament and nerve damage, and see if it should be casted. He said he thought about 50/50 chance that an ortho would cast it. BUT, since I've got no insurance (paying out of pocket), I really need to know if this is necessary. I do have a lot of numbness in the fingers, whatever that means... Thanks]


New member
I've got one of the MechTech uppers in .45 for the 1911. It's definitely a lot of fun, especially that sproing sound it makes when you fire it. Since another lower adds very little to the size and weight, it'd probably make sense to have both a pistol and the carbine, then you've got spare parts if one breaks and it only takes seconds to switch.

Seems to me like it'd be pretty good for urban environments, though if I had to do it over, I think I'd get a 10mm upper for the extra power and range. If suppressors were legal without that darn tax, I'd suppress it in a minute.

BTW, numbness in the fingers means either nerve damage or a nerve pinched. I've got a pinched nerve in my neck that acts up every now and then. That's what happens, I get tingling in my fingers. My finger is partially numb and that never goes away. I'd go to an ortho for at least a checkup and consult. Shouldn't be that expensive. It takes weeks for the nerve damage to heal. If you don't get it checked and something is really wrong, like a pinched nerve or damaged ligament you could be heading for serious trouble down the road and it might never heal right.


New member
I also think it would be fun to get one of the MecTech CCUs for a Glock in 9mm and then get one of those 30 round magazines for it (can you get one of those big old magazines for a G21 so you could stick with .45?)