Got a Good Shooter!!! The rifle and my Son...

Some of you may remember me mentioning I got my 11yo son a Mossberg MVP Patrol in .223 to use for deer season. He shot a little with open sights, then I picked up a Leupold VX1 2-7x33 for it. Today we went to the range and sighted it in and got him some trigger time/marksmanship practice.

I sighted it in at 25 yds then let him shoot 5 rounds at 25yds. He did better than I had expected on his first group. He was very happy with it as well.

We then moved over to the 50yd range. I again shot and made the minor adjustments to the scope and turned it over to him. His first 5-shot group didn't go so well and I could tell he was a little upset/discouraged over it because he thought he would do just as well as he did at 25yds.

I gave him a little pep talk, coached him a little on his technique (how he was holding the rifle, trigger finger placement, etc) got his spirits up a little and had him try again, and this happened!!!

I think I was more excited than he was! This was his 3rd time ever really shooting a centerfire rifle. He took my coaching/advice and really put it to use, didn't complain, and overall had a great time! Can't wait to get out and get him some Bambi this Fall! I'm one proud Daddy!!!


New member
It's called making memories...and they're precious :)

Looks like he's off to a great start.

Now that they're older...saying I'm loading up rounds for his .260 and a trip to the 1K yard range is the only way I get one home from college for the weekend.