Got a CZ-52

Don Lu

New member
Found a CZ-52 at a local pawn shop that I happened to stumble accross last week. I never new the shop was right down the street from my house. I got the CZ, but they also have other older guns. Pleasant surprise, Ill be visiting them again very soon. CZ was 160.00 OTD. ive heard other people have got them less but I couldnt pass it up.

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New member
Ugly sucker, isn't it? The cops HATE to see those things on the street because the 7.62x25 round has been proven to penetrate soft body armor.

Don Lu

New member
I actually think it looks great..the grips make it moe attractive to me than the standard black grips...I have no desire to test the armor piercing ability but have heard they are capable. im anxious to shoot it as I haveheard the have big flash and recoil...I personally enjoy the big banging handguns..hope it lives up to my expectations....


New member
I took mine to my local range. My wife said the blast was louder than my comped G20, 357sigs, and .357 snubs.
So loud in fact it drew a crowd to the window:D


New member
No, Walmart doesn't carry ammo for it.

Trying to find ammo locally can be difficult sometimes. Military surplus ammo tends to be really cheap, if you can find it.

The muzzle flash and blast is very impressive, and makes it a tremendously fun pistol to fire :D.

Recoil really isn't bad. It's definitely more than a 9mm, and muzzle rise is certainly more pronounced, but it's nothing painful or unmanageable.

Don't dry fire it. They're well known for brittle firing pins.

It's possible to convert it to 9mm if you can find a barrel.

Don Lu

New member
thanks for the info I am aware of the firing pin and decocker issues...just looking foreard to shooting it


New member
the cops HATE to see those things on the street because the 7.62x25 round has been proven to penetrate soft body armor.

Given the amount of LE that are not "gun guys", I wonder how many even know that this gun exists.


By the way, CDNN has original factory replacement firing pins for $9.99. I've never broken one (don't dryfire the pistol) but I figured it was so cheap there was no reason not to have a spare on hand.

Don Lu

New member
thanks John. Ill check those out. also heard there are some newer pins that are stronger out there that are fairly inexpensive.

chris in va

New member
It's a hot round, no doubt about that. Just please don't be tempted to get a box of 'SMG' ammo for it. Half of mine were hangfires.

Oh, and wear gloves. Sharp recoil + sharp edges = OW.


I never saw black grips on one, and don't think its a standard feature. Every CZ52 I ever saw or owned had the bakelite & sawdust grips.

You can fire .30 mauser in a CZ52. It's diminsionally identical to 7.62x25although its a much weaker loading.

Don Lu

New member
most of the 52's ive seen look like this (below)..but I liked the wood look better(may not be real wood though ?). Will the .30 mauser be strong enough to cycle the weapon properly ?

Im very curious. everything I read states there were at most, 250,000 made. for them to be such a rarity why are they priced so low..and with the limited production why does it seem that everyone has one...doesn't seem possible, were they all brought to america or is the supply scattered world wide.



New member
I picked one of these up about two weeks ago. Its definitely fun to shoot, but mine is not accurate at all. Shoutgune patterns at best. The toy store by my house sells surplus ammoo for $1.60 a package of 16, although you can find them online for just as cheap.

Don Lu

New member
worldishis..I think there rear sight is adjustable, have you tried adjusting it ? I am cautious when it comes to surplus ammo..hear it is very corrosive..have you expirienced this at all ?


Most (all?) of the 7.62x25 surplus is corrosive. I've not found it to be an issue, in fact, until I got in a jam and had to let a CZ-52 sit for 3 days before I cleaned it, I didn't even realize the stuff was corrosive. Apparently my normal cleaning procedures were sufficient.

On the other hand, I typically clean ALL the fouling (including metal fouling) out of my bores at every cleaning.


New member

I have two. I was told to look on top of slide about half way between front sight and loading port for a VERY small punch mark. Story goes everytime the gun was sent back to the factory they punched it. Idea was to find CZ52 with ONE punch mark. Mine are one punches. I have seen CZ's at gun shows/pawn shops with up to FOUR punch marks. Another theory would be the more times it goes thru factory the better. In any event, I love the gun. very accurate with the (HK style) roller lock-up. Both mine hit center of mass at 25 yds. Very powerful round. Auto hammer drop with safety, but I have heard not to trust it with live round in chamber. If something worn, could fire. They were going for $100.00 about 5 years ago-lots of people learned what a quality (all machined except for spring steel band that holds grips on) weapon they were.
Sportsman's Guide, Cheaper than Dirt are two sources for ammo.