Got a box of .44's

Well, my neighbor died a few years ago. His wife was cleaning out his old stuff and gave me a few of his things.

One thing he left me was a box of 240gr cast .44's.

Now like most manly men. I do everything with 45's that could be done with .44's. This leaves me with a choice. I can either buy me a new .44 or I can melt down the bullets and recast them as .45's.

What say you?


New member
Go buy the 44. I have both and I just don't see being able to do all the same things with 45 you can do with 44.

For one your 45 is not a 44!



New member
@S.S.Steve: I was troubled to find that shooting .45's was a requirement for manliness. I'm a guy and now I'm worried that all those 9mm's and .38's that I've fired, will turn me into a lesbian. Or does it work that way? Not quite sure.

Anyway, I recommend a .44 Special. A ruger flat top, or if you have the money, a colt new frontier would be nice choices.

lee n. field

New member
Now like most manly men. I do everything with 45's that could be done with .44's. This leaves me with a choice. I can either buy me a new .44 or I can melt down the bullets and recast them as .45's.

What say you?

Lead stock (yawn. Bo-ring), vs. buy a .44, brass and die set, and working up a load.


New member
Let me see're asking "gun guys" if you should buy another gun....:eek:

( or two or three....)....:p
Anyway, I recommend a .44 Special. A ruger flat top

I could go for a Ruger flat top, or maybe one of those Charter Arms .44's.

My Blackhawk already can fling 325gr bullets at magnum velocities but a practical light weight .44 is appealing.


New member
Wrong place, but...

I know it's the wrong forum for this suggestion, but I'd be looking at a lever action.

And I'm sorry for the loss of your friend.


New member
@S.S. Steve: I had an original Charter Arms bulldog with a 3 inch barrel. (My son has it now.) It was light and handy. A great tackle box, hiking, or concealed carry gun. However, at 19 ounces, the recoil was punishing with standard .44 special loads. I actually wound up loading down a little from the standard .44 special. So, I wouldn't recommend it for a plinking or range gun. While mine had only about 300 rounds through it and was still tight, I can't help but feel that it would loosen up with a lot of shooting.

If you want a handy .44 special, there was a run of new vaquero's a while back with a 3 3/4 inch barrel called a sheriff's model. Maybe you could still find one. They would be durable and can be loaded beyond standard .44 special loads.

Or, if you're really a die hard .45 fan (and in spite of my joke above, I love the .45 caliber, too), you may want to look at some 3 3/4 inch birds head vaquero's which lipseys is listing. They are offering them in .45 colt and .45 ACP. I have a bird's head .45 ACP, and it is very handy and nice shooting. I chose the .45 ACP because the shorter ejector rod of the bird's head, will clear a .45 ACP from the chamber, while a .45 colt will only part way eject. Plus, I have tons of .45 ACP brass.

Or if you still want a double action .44 caliber, you could get a S&W 329 scandium and just shoot .44 specials or download a .44 magnum to milder levels. A lot of choices here. I think 50% of the fun of a new gun is the planning and dreaming stage.


New member
If you want a .44, just get a .44, otherwise melt 'em down and recast. One box of old homemade lead bullets ain't hardly worth the effort to work up a load or justification for a new gun.


New member
@buck460: I have to agree with you that if S.S.Steve wants a .44, then he should get one. As for your logic about the invalidity of his excuse, I have to part company with you. As Miss Piggy from the Muppets would say: Au Contraire. For most of us here, any half baked or flimsy excuse is justification for an addition to our collection. I mean...if you have no reason or need, then just use your imagination.


New member
If gun size is not an issue, get a 44 Magnum. A lot more of them made. You can shoot up the 44 specials, or go heavier with the 44 magnum loads.

The only reason I would buy a 44 Special would be for concealed carry. It is a smaller gun than the 44 Magnum, and for S.D. I think the Magnum is too much.


New member
You must go get a Super Blackhak in Stainless 4 5/8" and then sale it to me on the cheap if you dont like it.;)


New member
Evidently, S.S.Steve is married and is looking for justification to buy a new toy ;)

Permission granted :p

Personally, I use the ol' "they multiply in the safe" story.

No, it doesn't work. :rolleyes:


New member
Funny but the older you get the more you see the worth of non-magnums.
I used to have magnumitis when young and foolish but now that I'm over 60 the 38 special, and 44 special get all the range time. A Ruger 44 special would be real sweet! They made a run of the older flat top's for Lipsey"s and they went so fast I missed out.