Gore on "Rosie O'Donnell show"


New member
Did anybody see Gore on "Rosie"? Jesus, it was like an hour long campaign add. I don't know why she just didn't tell everyone outright to just vote for Gore.

The cellulite challenged b%$#! that she is, she literally went point by point through every single issue in the campaign and allowed Gore a one-sided venue with no objectivity whatsoever.

Listen, I try not to let that kind of stuff get to me, but it was just so freakin' blatant. Normally, I couldn't give a rat's a#$ what she does, but it really concerns me that she might be able to influence some naive and impressionable young voters or housewives.

Now, I don't want to get overly dramatic about it, but I truly believe Gore and the liberals behind him are a threat to our national security and sovereignty. If she helps him to get elected, what does that make her?

Anybody have any thoughts?

Let's just hope we don't get Gore'd in November.
I don't know about everyone else, but I'd much
rather get some Bush.

Jim V

New member
Stalin had a name for the "usefull idiots" -- targets. "Usefull idiots" seem to forget that those they helped into power generally whacked them as fast or faster than the rest of their foes.

"If there be treachery, let there be jihad."
Ne Conjuge Nobiscum

7th Fleet

New member
Damn!!! I'm so glad that I missed Lying Al and Fat Rosie, that had be be a sickening sight. But then I've never watched either one of them, when their ugly mug shows up on the screen, click, they're gone.

