Gore must not win.


New member
Some of you may think that George W. Bush is a spolied- brat, empty suit. And that he is soft on RKBA. None of that matters now. The most important thing is to keep Al Gore out of the White House. If you thought 8 years of Clinton was bad, wait until that psychotic, delusion, lying Al Gore gets in.
Gore is Clinton without personality or the semblance of remorse. He has no regard for anything except his political career, and no scruples about doing anything to get power.

Do not make the mistake of "sending a message" by voting for the Libertarians or the Free-Soil or any other crackpot party. The only message you will be sending is that you are clueless about how Presidential politics works. And the only people who will get that message are you and the guys on the loading dock.

"Liberals" do not concern themselves with messages or ideals, they get elected first, then do what they want incrementally. Do not think you can build Rome in a day, there are too many people who have devoted their lives to gaining power and they are not about to give it up to Jesse Ventura or Alan Keyes, no matter how patriotic or noble that sounds.

David Roberson

New member
P220, I respectfully disagree with your relative assessment of Clinton and Gore. While I fully believe that Gore would maintain and extend Slick's evil policies, I think Clinton probably has the worst moral character of any person ever to occupy the White House. He is a lying, philandering, amoral reptile. Al Gore is just a lying national socialist. Not much better, admittedly, but I don't think we'll ever see a president worse than Slick, unless someone can reincarnate Hitler.

Your points about supporting Libertarian candidates have been addressed in detail on several other threads already going on here. (See "People Who Want It All Now.") As I've said in other posts, we who want to preserve all our civil rights won't make that happen by supporting candidates who just want to take them away a little more slowly than Gore does.


New member
David, gird your loins, then, because you're going to need it. Polls show that Gore is leading Bush nationwide, although closely. I expect the final vote to be very close because it will be defined by polarizing issues: guns and abortion. That's what really separates the two of them and that's what they will be hammering on in the coming months.

When the difference is a few percentage points, every vote could make or break an election. Remember, a Libertarian candidate will *not* appoint a single Supreme Court justice anytime in the near future. The next President *will*. Worry about that in the near term. Otherwise, you have nothing except yourself to bitch about.

I believe strongly in electing the best candidates you can, then working on them continuously during their term(s) to let them know you are watching and you care. Party affiliation doesn't really mean that much; voter involvement does.

Let's get a pro-gun candidate elected, then work on keeping him on the straight-and-narrow.

[This message has been edited by pbash (edited March 14, 2000).]


New member
I agree with pbash and would only add:
It will be a lot easier to keep George W. on the straight and narrow if we can also knock out some the prominent anti's now in the Congress.

David Roberson

New member
Herodotus make a good point that's not been brought up recently. We do indeed need to keep prominent anti-gunners out of Congress, including Hillary. This also has bearing on the Supreme Court appointments, which have to be confirmed after the president makes them.

Whether that will keep Dubya in line is another question.

David Scott

New member
News Flash: Like it or not, Al Gore IS going to be the next President.

Why? Gore competed against Bradley for the Democratic nomination. Bradley had no force of personality, so Gore came off looking strong, confident and a consensus winner.

The Republicans had too many candidates, fragmenting their efforts. The two front runners spent more time beating each other up than they did presenting a platform. A tight, widely supported McCain-Keyes team could have swept the polls in September, but in the wake of the Rep's p**ssing contests, all those uncommited, independent voters are going to vote Gore.

The Reform Party was another wrecking ball for the Republicans. Most of their members are disaffected conservatives, but can you really picture the platform of a party that counts Ross Perot, Jesse Ventura, Pat Buchanan and Donald Trump as leaders? Ye Gods, it's Groucho, Harpo, Chico and Zeppo all over again.

Between now and the election, count on Gee Dubya to insert his foot into his mouth frequently, a habit that afflicts his Daddy and his brother Jeb (Gov of Florida). Gore is a media creature, much better at handling interviewers. It doesn't matter who has the better platform, the swing vote will go to Gore out of distaste for the mess the Republicans have made of this campaign.

Yes, the truth hurts sometimes? What to do about it? They key to reasonable government is balance. If you have a Dem in the White House you need a Rep majority in Congress. Each side checks the excesses of the others. Gore's going to win, so make sure you send Republicans to Capitol Hill.

Deep in the Florida Swamps

Jack 99

New member
And don't forget that since WWII, almost every incumbent has won re-election in economic good times OR the incumbent party has kept the White House. Exception was when Johnson refused to seek the nomination.

Buchanan will bleed off 6-10% of the conservative vote and only 2-4% of the union vote. The Libertarians gain every year and there's another 3% of the vote. In reality, Dubya is starting with a 8-10 point handicap before the race even starts. And as mentioned, Pinkos don't really have these issues until you get to the far, far left.

The Libertarian party will probably get my vote this year too.

Gore has a better than even chance of being President.


New member
Jack 99,

You need to check your statement regarding every incumbant winning since WW2. Only one Vice-President has been elected President in the last 150 years, George H.W. Bush.

I can't foresee Pat Buchanan getting 8% to 14% of the vote. He is more likely to get 5% total. As for the Libertarian candidate, they only received 0.5% in 1996. They were outpolled by the Green Party, which got 0.7%. Their best showing was in 1980, when they got 1%. They will be doing good to top that this time.

Unless you want to see an AlGore Presidency, people need to realize that third parties are a dead end. The only hope to sending AlGore back to the farm is to vote for Gov. Bush.

People talk about having a "clear conscience" when they vote for a third party. Just how good or clear is their conscience going to be when AlGore's goon squads are knocking at the front door to register your guns!

This election has nothing to do with a "clear conscience" or feeling good. It is about what is better for this country. The fact is that either AlGore or Gov. Bush will be the next President. Can anyone honestly say that AlGore will be better for America than Gov. Bush?

David Roberson

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Cactus:
People talk about having a "clear conscience" when they vote for a third party. Just how good or clear is their conscience going to be when AlGore's goon squads are knocking at the front door to register your guns![/quote]
They'll probably feel very much like the citizens of New York feel when Gov. Pataki's goon squads are knocking at the front door to register their guns.