Gore bites it!

Steve B

New member
Wow! You posted it before any of the online news sources I visit. I hope you`re right! Now let`s hope algore takes the hint.....


Moderator Emeritus
My Bad..

Judges Lewis and Clark ruled to keep the ballots...

I was napping, woke up just as was announced and mistook it for the FLSC

and then my kid was excited cuz I was and he yanked the power plug

Coyote 6

New member
Get out your flags folks and fly them as a sign of support for Bush and optimism for the good old USofA.


New member
That's okay DC! I still love you! ;-) The SCOFLAW decision will be coming down soon. I hear that the police have been called to the Supreme Court, which is a signal that the Court is ready to give it's decision.



New member
"..and then my kid was excited cuz I was and he yanked the power plug.."

Reminds me of how I accidently powered off the power strip to our PC as my wife was finishing up her final paper for her Masters degree, this after 12 hours at the PC and she being at wits end. I'll never forget the look on her face. Thanks for the flashback DC. ;)