Gore announces plans if Supreme Court case lost!


New member
Breaking news:

Al Gore has announced that in the event his appeal to the US Supreme Court is unsuccessful, the Gore team "still has extra-legal options open."

"I will hold my breath until I turn blue unless I am given the Presidency of the United States."


New member
Public pressure is getting farily high on this right now. It shouldn't be long before he HAS to throw in the towel. However, he damn sure won't do it until thee is a tactical situation for him to save face. Just watch.


Will Beararms

New member
At this juncture, the Supreme Court means nothing to Gore. He will still pursue the litigations in Florida State. I think I remember the Gore folks saying that they would stop at nothing until "the will of the people" is served.

Is it not obvious now that the Florida Legislature will be forced to step in and decide this hopefully for the rightful winner------Bush?

Look, Judge Sauls has said it would be 12/6/00 before any resolution might come forth. I hope the Florida Legislature won't wait until it's too late.
The Presidency may just blow up in the victor's face so the loser should be grateful for losing. It's kinda like Hoover stepping into the WhiteHouse and the Depression slams in. Opps. If this does happen and Bush is the winner, we can count on a Democratic Majority in Congress in 2002 or Hitlery running for Prez in 2004 instead of 2008.


New member
I was kidding...

OK, OK, he didn't ACTUALLY threaten to hold his breath until he turned blue....

But I have it on authority from Grandma Bruegger, who plays bingo with Al Gore's great-aunt Matilda (at their Palm Beach nursing home), who was present for the actual quote that his actual words were: "If I don't get to be President, I'll TAKE MY TOYS AND GO HOME!!!"


New member
4V50Gary, you're on the mark with that comment. We've got the Nasdaq down over 40% from its highs in March. The economy is slowing down, yet the press has _yet_ to link it to any politician. Remember 1992, when the press waited until three weeks after the election to announce that the "recession" was over? If Bush gets in, look for the talking heads to blame the coming economic slowdown on him. Of course, should Gore steal the election and the congressional Republicans stonewall him every chance they get, the economy will be their fault. In some respects, it might almost be better if Gore were to steal this election: the "talk" on the
TV shows would never stop about his legitimacy; he would get zero cooperation from the GOP in congress, and might even have a tough time rallying some within his own party (Breaux, for example); the conservatives would be ultra-motivated for the 2002 elections while the liberals would just be content that they "won" this year and stay home. I've thought about it a lot, and it might even be a better scenario than Bush winning. Thoughts?

Want to send a message to Bush? Sign the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/monk/petition.html and forward the link to every gun owner you know.