Gore and Bradley - Live at the Apollo!


Moderator Emeritus

I must be a masochist, I actually watched about 45 minutes of the debate tonight. I have an excuse though, trying to get my baby daughter to sleep; couldn't move and couldn't find the remote. :(

From what I saw and heard these two are just arguing about *how* they are going to build up the federal government bigger and bigger. They both agree that the government needs to be bigger by expanding state-sponsored education, affirmative action, welfare, and health care. Their only disagreement is which entitlement program gets the most money poured into it. This makes me sick. Ninety percent of the sewage they propose is doing nothing more than taking away essential liberties from ALL Americans.

Don't even get me started on their gun-control positions. It makes me even sicker to think that there could be an auditorium full of people that would applaud the idea of banning semi-auto rifles and licensing ALL handguns, new and old; not to mention licensing ALL gun owners, new and old. The American people are falling for the same lies that the German people fell for when they "elected" Hitler.

They've already started issuing permit cards to law-abiding citizens who choose to even touch guns (Illinois for example) Can little yellow handgun silhouettes on our lapels be far away?


"The people have the right to bear arms for their defense and security"
Ohio Constitution, Article I, Section 4
Concealed Carry is illegal in Ohio.
Ohioans for Concealed Carry Website


New member
I think they will vote for Bradley . He got game !


Red Bull

New member
So did it just reenforce the stereotype that blacks want gun control?

We just had a thread about how maybe this stereotype was NOT true, so I was wondering.


New member
I didn`t see it but I`ll bet half the audience was armed because they had to walk home at night after the debate. All of them would be considered felons by Beavis and Butthead. I`ll also bet they were outgunned by the bodyguards ten to one. Harlem at night! "Ewwww Tipper, better tell the Secret Service to bring the rocket launchers!"


New member
I didn't see much of this other than the bites they showed on the local snews.(no cable or dish) Algore is a lunitic. He is actually proud to be endorsed by Ted Kennedy? :eek:
We cannot let this guy get into office!! The surest way for him to be elected is just like Bill did it, have the GOP split it's vote to a third party candidate. You may have to hold your nose when you vote, I will be, but ya gotta vote republican. It may be a slow leak to our RKBA, but it's gonna be way better than busting the dam by letting Algore get elected.

bullet placement is gun control


New member
What I got out of last night's debate (apart from a bad stomach-ache) are these points:

1) These two are self-avowedly running as champions of some Americans and declared enemies of some others. In order to advance the rights of the former group, they will gleefully make it as miserable as possible for the latter.
This, apart from any issue per se, I found most reprehensible and dangerous. A president should be everyone's president, not an enraged lobbyist with an axe to grind.

2) Guncontrol has unabashedly become a self-serving issue: notice how they never even linked it to crime. In other words, banning guns just to ban guns is one of their main causes, and their agenda on crime is a totally separate one.
Now they are not even pretending to be banning guns in order to reduce crime.

3) The debate looked more like a bad episode of the Ricki Lake Show than an intellectual contest between two possible leaders of the Free World.

4) Bradley does not stand a chance in Heaven, which perhaps is good, he being the "socialist visionary" that he is.

5) Gore is the "anointed one" (not that you will ever hear that from the Media).

6) Now Republicans have become "Rebel-Flag-Wavin'" enemies. You can just see how loaded, divisive, irresponsible and un-presidential this statement is.

7) To these two, throwing money and favors at ORGANIZED minorities' leaderships while punishing, ridiculing and humiliating everybody else is the way to end discrimination.

8) To these two, throwing money and favors at teachers' unions and the DOE (with their impressive resumes) is the way to make our kids smarter.

9) If I didn't know any better, by last night's debate I would conclude that we live in a presidential democracy rather than a Constitutional Republic. These two talk and act more like parliamentary prime ministers than US presidents. And it scares me.

10) Anybody ANYBODY that is not an unemployed loafer, or a union thug who actually votes for one of these two idiots should be shipped to the asylum pronto.

Revolution, anyone?

If you are younger than 20 and not a Liberal, you have no heart.

If you are older than 20 and STILL a Liberal, you have no brain.


New member
I never, ever knew that Gore was a posterboy for the NRA. Why didn't I see that in American Rifleman? Where do these people come from?

For some time now there's been a question as to whether Bush could handle Gore in a debate. I've been watching as many of the Democratic debates as I can, and I don't see Gore as that formidable. My only concern is that the sheeple may be so content that they buy into his argument that only _he_ can make the economy continue to be robust.



Staff Alumnus
The surest way for him to be elected is just like Bill did it, have the GOP split it's vote to a third party candidate. You may have to hold your nose when you vote, I will be, but ya gotta vote republican. It may be a slow leak to our RKBA, but it's gonna be way better than busting the dam by letting Algore get elected.

Muleshoe, leave it alone.

You know what Harry Browne's goal is for November? 5% of the popular vote. If your buddy Junior can't win by a more than 5% margin, he doesn't deserve to be President.

And frankly, a slow leak on RKBA is what got us into this toilet we're in now. You want more of the same, you go on and hold your nose, instead of voting for the best candidate. And you... YOU... will be directly accountable for the further erosion of freedom we've seen by playing the game.

"If your determination is fixed, I do not counsel you to despair. Few things are impossible to diligence and skill. Great works are performed not by strength, but perseverance."
-- Samuel Johnson


New member
"Those who don't vote have no right to complain!"


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!


New member
George hill,

Yes Bradley did say that and it scared the shiznit out of me. If Bradley thinks Gore is conservative on gun control, God only knows whay his true position is. Bradley must be a gungrabber from the darkest, hottest, far corner of hell, not only does he want our souls, he wants are guns first.


New member

Are you saying that any candidate who doesn't win by at least 5% shouldn't win? Or does that apply only to my buddy W? BTW, how'd you know we was buds?

You've said it yourself here, Browne hopes to get 5%. You think that's gonna win it? I agree with the Libertarian ideals, but 5% ain't gonna cut it. Did you see these two nuts the other night? You'd rather have one of them than W? Like it or not, that's gonna be the only two who have a chance.

You say that i...I... will be directly responsible for further erosion of freedom. I respectfully say sir, that you...YOU... will be directly responsible for putting a nutcase like Algore in the White House. Then see how fast that erosion works. No doubt the slow leak is what has put us in this mess, but voting for a guy who doesn't stand a chance sure ain't gonna plug that leak up. Do ya REALLY think that it will?

bullet placement is gun control


New member
I just had a thought. (Shoot me, if necessary.)

Clinton has been more aggressive than Bush on gun laws, but didn't the real movement start with Reagan, after he and his press secretary, James Brady, got shot. And didn't Bush start the ball really rolling. And didn't Bush quit the NRA in a huff!

There are more people armed now than before Clinton, because he has pushed so hard to ban guns. There now appear to be many moderates and liberals joining RKBA because of Clinton, and buying guns they think might not be there tommorrow. And what do gun owners do, once they start shooting. Vote for RKBA candidates!

I dunno, Coinneach, maybe you're right. Let the Democrats win. It might be the best thing for gunners.


New member
Joseph, You are correct. My belief is Bush did far more damage to the cause than did Clinton. Actually Clinton is the greatest small arms salesman in the history of mankind. I don't know about ya'll, but everytime he mentioned a new law, I rushed out to buy whatever he wanted to ban. Bush stabbed us in the back. Clinton at least had to deal with an opposition congress throughout his terms as President. Coineach is right too. We are in a pickle of enormous size. We used to could vote our conscience with a clean conscience, and not worry because the best man won. Now we have most of the electorate believing in a "wasted vote" and other such nonsense. Perot didn't cost Bush the election. Bush cost Bush the election. Perot went out and motivated people who didn't usually vote to vote for him, and Bush (daddy) gave such an anemic campaign that he lost the enthusiasm of his supporters. It isn't hard to see that we will all be feeling a little sick come November. We've shot ourselves in the foot, and now we have to do what we can to save ourselves. Everyone almost without exception who claims to be conservative (and even libertarians) says that Keyes has been doing the best job. So why isn't Keyes the front-runner? Because everyone has bought the notion that he's unelectable, and therfore the prediction has come true. Nobody is electable if nobody votes for them. I will vote for Keyes in the primary, and feel good about it. Then come November, I will vote straight libertarian again, and when the White House is still in the hands of your mortal enemies, I'll at least have a clear conscience that I did my best to protect my son's liberties. It is you people who vote the "prediction" over your conscience that will have cost us the RKBA's. Not me. I voted the best candidate on the subject, and therefore my vote counted. In 4 years when we're knee deep in Gun Control, and folks in Kalifornia are speaking Chinese, or worse have become a missile test bed for the Commies, and Unemployment is at 30%, you can thank all those "he can't win" folks for it. Gore will be a nice finish to the Clinton legacy, as he's too stupid to do anything of substance anyway. Their debates look like an episode off the Jerry Springer show, and these ARE the folks who will reside at 1600 Pensylvania ave. for the next 4 years. Are you happy about it? Don't delude yourself into thinking either GW or McCain can win. Neither of them can say why they don't like abortion, nor why the second article is important. I doubt either have read the ENTIRE Constitution EVER. Yet these folks who are running yet don't know where they stand or why they stand there (except they wanna be the boss) are going to take on an administration that is currently presiding over prosperity, and peace? Either of them will lose to that, and history proves this. The only hope in hell that we have of winning is to elect Keyes and let him debate Algore. Keyes may be drawing a small crowd, but what happens when the Catholics decide to vote in the General, and what about the blacks who will like the idea of voting for a black man nomatter his views?
My opinions run strong, but my prediction will hold true in November, and so I am betting my paycheck on buying more guns while they're still legal, and in January, I'll be able to proudly display my "Keyes 2000.org" sticker on the back of my truck for all you suckers who voted for an "electable" candidate. :p


New member
Akkkkk is right!
Gag applies also.

[This message has been edited by RAE (edited February 23, 2000).]


New member
Not that this applies to guns, but I believe it was Bradley that wanted the "Info Stamp".. I would vote on a "Gun Stamp" A 50 cal would go good in my collection.

Rather be judged by 12 than carried by 6.

[This message has been edited by glockguy45 (edited February 23, 2000).]


New member
Joseph, I won't shoot you, honest. The anti movement started long before Reagan. The attack on Reagan was just a catalyst, although remember he never embraced the anti's cause even though he was shot. Bush Sr. (who I still think is at heart a very honorable and decent man) sold us out. Is W
a better option for us? Or McCain? I don't know, but certainly both are better for us than Gore, who will use his bullypulpit to further stigmatize gun owners (any smokers in this forum?) and rapidly erode our rights.

I haven't gotten rich in the last decade; in fact, I've gotten poorer. It has reached the point where, if it's time to shoot, I really have nothing to lose and will probably pull the trigger on one of Gore's Goons. But, all in all, I'd rather be punching paper at the range in 16 years than turning to dust.


[This message has been edited by Monkeyleg (edited February 23, 2000).]