Google thinks I'm objectionable!


New member
You see I've got this web site: Not a bad little site. Got some handgun reference information on it.

It started getting a few hits, and I thought I'd try to get some advertising revenue from it. So I signed up with "Ads by Google" where you put their ad banner on your web pages and they insert ads that relate to the content on your site. Visitors click the ads, you get some money.

It was working too... got ads on my site for gun safes, firearms training, knives and gun grips, CCW training. Then all the sudden it stopped. All I was getting was PSA's instead of ads. You know "Save Wildlife", "Fight Aids", yada yada.

I emailed Google and asked them "What happened to the ads? I was just starting to make some money!"

Well it turns out that they have a new policy... that websites which provide information about handguns are objectionable to their ad program. Instead they began pushing their public service agenda's to my site... and killed my revenue.

What can you do? Well I guess I can gripe about it here. Not that I'd stop using google as a search engine.

Just remember everyone, there are politcal agenda's around every corner.

"Google has certain policies in place that we believe will help ensure the
effectiveness of Google ads for our publishers as well as our advertisers.
We believe strongly in freedom of expression and therefore offer broad
access to content across the web without censoring results. At the same
time, we reserve the right to exercise editorial discretion when it comes
to the ads we display in our AdWords program and the sites on which we
choose to display them in our AdSense program, as noted in our respective
Terms and Conditions."

Yeah, right.


New member
Sorry to hear you basically got the boot from Google... It's to be expected, unfortunately.

I really like your firearms database. Thanks ;)


New member
I don't agree with them either, but when you signed up for adsense, you agreed to their policies.. read below..... This was discussed on another board I frequent and alot of people there thought it may have to do with being a heavily regulated industry. If you see below, there are many other types of websites that are not acceptible per their policies either. These too are heavily regulated industries, such as alcohol, tobacco, prescripton drugs etc. They probably just did a cost benefit analysis and decided, the small amount of money they'd make off of your site, is not worth it... just in case, you did or promoted something that is not legal. Remember there are entire websites dedicated to trying to figure out gun laws(suck as Websites are global, and they probably don't want to take the time to figure out what is legal where, and where you are, where your customers/viewers are, and if you are marketing certain potentially illegal products in area where they are prohibited etc. In a sue happy world, people go for the deep pockets..

then again, there is always the possiblity that they are just anti-gun.

here are their policies copied off of

Site may not include:

Excessive profanity
Violence, racial intolerance, or advocate against any individual, group, or organization
Hacking/cracking content
Illicit drugs and drug paraphernalia
Pornography, adult, or mature content
Gambling or casino-related content
Excessive advertising
Any other content that promotes illegal activity or infringes on the legal rights of others
Pop-ups, pop-unders or exit windows that interfere with site navigation, obscure Google ads, change user preferences, or are for downloads. Other types of pop-ups, pop-unders, or exit windows may be allowed, provided that they do not exceed a combined total of 5 per user session
Excessive, repetitive, or irrelevant keywords in the content or code of web pages
Deceptive or manipulative content or construction to improve your site's search engine ranking, e.g., your site's PageRank
Incentives (monetary or point-based) to users or third-party beneficiaries for online activity including, but not limited to, clicking on ads or links, performing searches, surfing websites, reading emails, or completing surveys
Sales or promotion of certain weapons, such as firearms, ammunition, balisongs, butterfly knives, and brass knuckles
Sales or promotion of beer or hard alcohol
Sales or promotion of tobacco or tobacco-related products
Sales or promotion of prescription drugs

Sales or promotion of products that are replicas or imitations of designer goods

Again, I ain't tryin' to defend them, but that is a possible reason.


New member
Sorry to hear you got shot down. I like the way your site is laid out, real simple for us lazy computer zombies. :D


New member
Sorry to hear about google killing ya....they did the same to us, but its still I real nice site, and I will continue to visit.

(Now all ya gotta do is offer stuff for sale REAL CHEAP to TFL users) :p :D


New member
Same thing happened to me. I applied to the Adsense program and got an email saying that the site contained "inappropriate content."

What sticks in my craw is the fact that they let Guns and Ammo magazine advertise in the Adwords program, as well as Kimber and some other companies. Guns and Ammo magazine does the same thing my site does: provide information. I don't sell anything on my site.

Oh, well. Have you considered Commission Junction, or some of the other programs similar to Google?


New member
Thanks for that info Monkeyleg. Couldn't remember the name of that operation.

BTW I'm working on an interactive revolver right now. Should have it done in a few days.