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Google, Closed Threads, and Misinformation


New member
hello, new member here. just doing a drive-by due to google finding me info and sending me to the site (been here to read many times). stumbled upon a thread that closed (ancient) and wanted to ask a question: what happens when old threads are closed, but a good portion of the content is not accurate? my concern is that folks reading it may take said information as absolute. if you read that thread, you will find misinformation and completely outdated facts that have now become misleading.



New member
As long as the thread wasn’t closed because it violated TFL rules I suppose you could open a new thread and make whatever point it is you feel needs to be made.


New member
i agree, but when google sends folks to the old thread, there is no way to know the facts/material may have been updated in a newer thread. that's the conundrum to the whole thing, and i guess a situation across the entire internet really.


New member
i guess a situation across the entire internet really.

Well, without seeming like a jerk - Bingo. I haven't really reviewed the thread you linked to, but in general people post things on here that range from legitimate expert advise to old wives tales. It's really up to the reader to sort through it all. I always tell people when reviewing anything on the internet to read multiple posts on multiple sites.

Also, this site has excellent moderators and if you have a serious concern you can contact one of them.

44 AMP

there is no way to know the facts/material may have been updated in a newer thread.

Except that it IS an old thread, which is kind of incumbent on the reader to recognize.

If Google sent you to an article in the November 1967 American Rifleman (or any other periodical) would you expect all the information to be both valid and current?

There is a lot of good, sound, factual information about firearms that doesn't change. And some that does, such as pricing, in particular.

For example, information about a 1975 mfg S&W M29 is as correct today as it was the day the gun left the factory, except its no longer an MSRP of $283.50. ;)

No, there is no automatic way to tell you if the information in an old thread is out of date. For that, you have to do further research.


New member
agree on all points made. still concerned, but not sure if there exists a solution (perhaps there shouldn't be since arm chair types stand out more when quoting erroneous facts).

Mal H

Keep in mind GP that this is neither a fact-finding board nor a fact-checking board. "Caveat lector" applies here (reader beware).

Now, even so, if you do find an old closed thread that is grossly misleading to the point that it poses a danger to the casual reader please let us know by PMing one of the mods of the forum containing the thread or post.


New member
You'll find lots of misinformation even in threads that are not locked. None intentional and mostly by folks who mean well. But in the firearms community there are probably more old wives tales, myths and legends than most others. Lots of guys take grandpa's advice without ever fact checking and continue to spread the myths. Lots of grandpa's advice may have been accurate 50 years ago, much of it never was. It just took a while for the proof to get out.

But most of the time someone chimes in with accurate information. But it is often hard to tell which is accurate and which is not. I'd never advise taking anything you read on the internet as factual. It is great to read the opinions of others. But unless you can verify it, most information it should just be considered opinion.

And much is intended as opinion. One of the more common topics is which gun should I buy. I'll gladly give my opinion, and it will often differ from many others. Neither is right or wrong, just opinion.


New member
Just curious GelatinousPig, you've posted several times and yet your post count remains at 1. Is it something you're doing or this site?

Evan Thomas

New member
DaleA, the reason for the low post count is that all but one of GP's posts are in this thread. Posts in this subforum don't add to members' post counts.


New member
Wow, learn something new everyday.
(And now that I have I'm heading for my afternoon nap.)
Thank you Evan Thomas.