Good Samaritan shot with his own gun.


New member
It happened in Phoenix, AZ today. I only caught some of the details on the news. Two armed Hispanic men held up a snack-wagon. They beat the driver and shot him in the leg. The cook escaped out the back door of the truck while this was happening. A good Samaritan saw the robbery happening, pulled his truck off the road and approached the snack-wagon with his own gun drawn. It was reported that he might have fired a round at the suspects. A third suspect, driving a small white Toyota or Nissan truck ran over the good Samaritan causing him to drop his gun. One of the other two suspects picked up the good Samaritan?s gun and shot him several times in the chest. It was also reported that the good Samaritan has come out of surgery and is listed in critical condition. He is expected to survive.


New member
here's a link

Man trying to thwart lunch-wagon robbery shot, run over

Michael Ging/The Arizona Republic

The driver of a Ralph's Snack Bar truck is assisted by paramedics after being beaten and shot Friday.

Ashley Bach
The Arizona Republic
Nov. 30, 2001 04:05:00

A good Samaritan trying to break up a robbery of a snack truck was critically wounded Friday morning after he was run over by one of the robbers and shot with his own gun, police said.

The unidentified man, in his 20s, was shot several times in the chest after he tried to help the driver of a snack truck that was being robbed in west Phoenix, Phoenix police Lt. Jeri Williams said.

Two men approached the Ralph's Snack Bar truck at about 10:50 a.m. while it was stopped at a traffic light on 33rd Avenue and Thomas Road. They pulled the driver out of the car and shot him in the leg, Williams said.

The good Samaritan, who was walking by, came up along the passenger's side of the truck with his gun and may have fired shots at the robbers, Williams said. A third robber, parked in a pick-up truck behind the snack truck, then drove forward and hit the man, sending him flying in the air, police said.

The two other robbers then walked around the snack truck and shot the man in the chest with his own gun, Williams said.

Police are searching for all three robbers, who drove away in a small white Toyota or Nissan pickup truck. They are described as Hispanic and in their 20s.

"It's a strong-arm robbery that went awry," Williams said.

The three men might have been involved in another robbery of a snack truck in Phoenix last week, Williams said.

The good Samaritan was in critical condition Friday morning at a Valley hospital. The injuries to the driver of the snack truck were not expected to be life-threatening.

A female cook who was in the back of the snack truck escaped unharmed.

Ray Waggoner was raking his leaves a few houses away when he heard the shots. He called police on his cell phone and then rushed over to the man who tried to intervene, who was bleeding from his abdomen.

"I looked down and I told him, 'It's going to be okay. You're going to make it.'" Waggoner said. "Then I prayed for him."

Bertha Cebular, who works nearby, said she was scared to hear the news.

"You live with it," she said. "Now I know not to be a good Samaritan."
There have been several threads on TFL recently about how one may act if present during a crime in progress. This outcome was not mentioned...

As Rich's sig line states: " What you don't know can kill you."


New member
How sad. Just shows that you gotta watch your six and not assume that you know the situation till it's over.


El Rojo

New member
That's not what I was thinking.

I was thinking of how you are 57 times more likely to have your own gun used against you and this shows it perfectly. That is why we should all be victims and do as we are asked. See a crime? Go report it and don't interfear. Leave that work to the police. :barf:

Seriously, I always think of similiar situations when I am running over self-defense senarios at restaraunts. I know there is going to be a guy or two come in and hold the place up, but there is also a very likely chance there is going to be a getaway driver outside as well. Sounds like this guy might have got tunnel vision and not surveyed the scene. Who knows, I just hope he makes it and it is too bad he gave the anti's some fuel against his noble intended acts.


Staff Emeritus
El Rojo,

I agree. Also there might be one or more accomplices (acting innocent) inside the restaurant - or an off-duty police officer (or CCW-holder) who doesn't know whose side YOU are on.

Lot's of considerations in addition to these....
There is nothing wrong with being a good samaritan, but that does not necessarily mean intervening in life or death situations. Being a good witness and unharmed is a very good thing.

What is so amazing from the account is that the samaritan closed range on the truck, all the way up to the door after the robbers had pulled the driver out and shot him in the leg. Galant effort, stupid tactics.

People wonder why it is that police don't always rush in to the middle of such events or why firemen stop at a fire, get out and causually unload hoses and get set up before they start fighting the fire. In these types of cases, the professionals take a few moments of time to assess the situation, to understand what is going on and where the risks most likely will be. As such, they are able to work through potential physiological problems such as tunnel vision that may occur in high stress situations.

Marko Kloos

New member
Bertha Cebular, who works nearby, said she was scared to hear the news.

"You live with it," she said. "Now I know not to be a good Samaritan."

Once again, the Sheeple take the right lesson from this. We're all powerless, you must trust your life to men with badges. Dewey education and liberal media indoctrination show their desired effects.

El Rojo

New member
Actually Dennis, the off duty officer or CCW guy should notice I just shot the guys who busted in and shot someone or are holding the place up. If I start spraying and praying, then I hope the CCW guy or cop shoots me too. And after I shoot them, I am backing up to a wall and telling everyone to hold still and keep their hands visible, "The cops will be here soon". Thanks for that heads up.


New member
The Good Samaritan was sorely lacking in "Situational Awareness" Understanding the entire situation is critical. Why in the world this person intervened after knowing that these armed robbers were willing and did in fact use force to commit a robbery is beyond my comprehension. What in he hell did he think he was doing?

Head so full of good intentions, but head not so full of smarts. :rolleyes:

Good Shooting


New member
You guys amaze me. Here is a guy with a CCW (presumably), who sees a shop keeper, maybe even someone he buys sandwiches from on a regular basis, getting shot. He tries to help and gets blindsided by a truck. What if these robbers killed the snack guy and his cook, then shot some shoppers across the street, and gunned down the cop who came to help? If this same good samaritan just drove by, you guys would be calling him a coward. I think this guy did exactly what I would have done and what I would hope most people here would have done; stop and try to help your fellow man. His tactics may seem questionable to us in our cozy living rooms, but until I see a good breakdown of the scene I can't hind-sight this guy. I think he should get a standing ovation and a congratulations from the town mayor. You can bet that the robbers will be less likely to try this stunt again. And that Bertha lady who decided to sit out any further events, well, I hope her car has a radiator blow-out in the middle of the desert on a hot Arizona day and no one stops to help her for a looonnngggg time. LAter.

Jeff Thomas

New member
Massad Ayoob teaches about "tailgunners" (and, there is another, similar term that slips my mind) ... accomplices that hang back during a robbery or other crime. A convenience store holdup is a classic situation.

Now, knowing about them, and then actually taking that possibility into account during an actual crime are two diffferent things.

I do hope the guy comes out OK.

Regards from AZ


The dummy should have ran them over with his vehicle, then if they just happened to hold on to their weapons, shoot them.

The John Wayne method only works in the movies.



New member
Massad Ayoob teaches about "tailgunners" (and, there is another, similar term that slips my mind) ... accomplices that hang back during a robbery or other crime. A convenience store holdup is a classic situation.

This is also known as the "+1 Rule". Always count on there being the BG's you see +1.

Jason, nobody faults the guy for trying, but from the information given, he committed a lot of mistakes in trying to render aid, mistakes which were seriously detrimental to his well-being. For a defensive situation, he advanced on the bad guys, he apparently shot without scoring any hits, was not situationally aware and go clobbered by another bad guy in a vehicle, lost his gun, got shot with his gun. That is a lot of mistakes for which it might cost him his life.


New member
That's why I would have played it differently--just like the police who always use their car as a shield. I HOPE I remember to do it that way. Even then, one can't easily cover the six...