good reason for locking up your guns


New member
"so lets all make sure your kids or anyone else can't get a hold of your gun(s)"

Fair enough, but frankly, if you have to lock up your guns so your teenagers won't use them to take potshots at passing cars, you've already lost the ball.



New member
"Fair enough, but frankly, if you have to lock up your guns so your teenagers won't use them to take potshots at passing cars, you've already lost the ball."

that's oh so true,that's why i'm glad i just got my new gun lock from omega(internal)
it's cool,you can't open the slide or anything.all they can do is dry fire and ware out you firing pin.:p


New member
Kids are frequently ...well.... KIDS

And they don't use the gray matter between their ears. That they SHOULD have known better is obvious; that they THOUGHT before they acted? Doubtful. For that matter, the same can be said for adults.

Go google for the "Darwin awards" to get some really eye-popping examples of human stupidity.



New member
I don't know

I grew up in the country and had guns laying around all the time. Carried one type or another all through my teen years... even in my car in highschool. Many other fellows did too. Some how I missed out on the mass murder thing... and also never had a need to shoot at anyone or act too stupid... well, there was the hole I shot through the roof one night and the hole my mother never Knew about in the floor of her car.


New member
These kids were also truant, drunk, and stoned. Looks like the younger of the two will get off easier since he was using a BB-gun instead of the .22.

The older one is looking at a number of possible felony charges. If I were a prosecutor, I'd probalby go for attempted second-degree murder, which carries a life sentence.


New member
Yup, lock 'em up.

For the children.

Screw the adults.



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New member
I'm surprised a lot of us survived childhood and our teenage years. Gun locks? The guns in my closet didn't have gun locks. Nobody had gun locks. Half the people I knew didn't even lock their front door at night.



New member
When our children were young (ages 8 through 11), my wife and I both knew, and agreed, that we would have to remove the "mystery" from the firearms kept in our home. Subsequently, over the course of a few years, we routinely took our children to indoor ranges, where they had the opportunity to shoot everything from .22's to .38's. When they entered their teens, they had the opportunity to practice with larger calibers. To this day, not one has ever asked about the guns...they all know where the guns are kept...they know what the guns are for...they all know not to discuss same with their friends.

model 25

New member
So there I was thinking how do I keep my kids friends from touching my guns. The only answer I could come up with is a SAFE. So I lock them all up and never worry about anyone touching my guns especialy the one I always carry.



New member
I wouldn't go searching for the Darwin Awards since they are mostly if not entirely fictional.

However, even if you teach your kids properly, that doesn't mean their friends are as well raised. For that reason, a safe is a good thing to have. You don't have to lock it all the time. You can leave it unlocked at night with the door open.


New member
One of the reasons I wear my gun even at home is because I always know where it is that way. If it isn't on me, loaded, it is locked up and out of the kids' reach -- but frankly I believe it is far safer on my hip than it ever will be when locked up. (Do you know what your children are doing in the next room, right now? Are you sure?? ;) )

As for kids acting like idiots when their parents aren't around, that's a universal constant. Or have y'all forgotten your own childhoods? :p
