Good Pro-Gun Interview


New member
I just saw this interview on the news last evening and thought it was a good step back from all the anti-gun interviews other news agency's have put out lately. It seemed, for the most part, they cut the interview as it should be and that Sanetti was good in stating the facts which weren't construed to be crazy as most lame stream media agency's like to do. What do you think?

Al Norris

Moderator Emeritus
Good opening summary ... but without a link to the video or article, we really have nothing to discuss.

ETA: I'll leave this open until tomorrow morning, in the hope that the OP comes back and edits his post.
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Where was this interview? Who conducted the interview, and who did he/she/they interview? What did the interviewee say?

How can you ask what we think when you have provided exactly zero information on which to form an opinion?


New member
Let's not jump on him. I thought it was great. Especially when they said that one thing, about that other thing, and that made that first part totally make sense.

On a serious note, it's the work week, and he posted at Oh Dark Thirty. I can see forgetting to include the link. Maybe we'll have it when he goes on his lunch.

In the mean time, as it's vaguely news related, and we'll have something to discuss until the link is posted, I just saw Karl Rove and Jim Messina on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Neither were especially impressive. With Rove being completely wrong on the ONE thing the Background Check bill WOULD allow, and Messina still quoting that decades old 40% number from the beginning of the Brady Bill.

Evan Thomas

New member
I think you're right, MLeake -- the interviewee is Steve Sanetti, the president of the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Thanks for tracking that down. He's pretty good -- as well he should be, as one of the chief lobbyists for the firearms industry. I did, however, think he was a tad defensive at times (see the part in which the interviewer tries to pin him down on magazine sizes); but he did a good job of deflecting an interviewer who came across as... unfriendly.