Good online ammo retailers other than ammoman?


New member
I seem to be limited to just and I dont feel like buying 1,000 rounds of 9mm to make an order. Who do you use? Also, does anybody sell the cheap remington rounds online, or is it just the high dollar defensive round stuff?



New member
If you just want a few boxes Dick's Sporting goods carries (or did anyway) Remmington 9mm.

I've had good luck with Ammoman in the past. I recently purchased 2000 rounds of Federal 9mm (which is not out of stock). Problem is currently I'm almost out of 45. All that Ammoman has is Wolf & I'm not familiar with it. I'm not interested in owning a lot of trouble ftf fte... so I too am wondering

Who is Ammoman's competition?


New member
Try J & G sales,, the ammo depot or the armory. They are all online and you can find some decent deals (atleast quite a bit cheaper than retail prices are right now)


New member
For Social work and hunting ammo try . They have the badest ammo around. Short bbl ammo, +p+ ammo, "heavy load" ammo. They are fast shippers and good gun people. (I don't work for,or represent them) :D
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New member
I've bought ammo from several different places. For new current production "state of the art," I usually buy from Grafs. They give me the dealer prices with my C&R. Best $30 you can spend. (Same deal with MidwayUSA.)

But I would say the place I've bought more ammo than anywhere else is probably AIM. Every time I order something from them, I wander through the ammo section "window shopping." I always end up buying a few boxes of this and a few boxes of that! I can remember when I used to buy full cases of 7.62 NATO from them. Before ammo prices started to act like gasoline prices!

Check there regularly because their website changes literally on a daily basis. They will be out of something one day and so it won't be listed at all and then the next day it will be back.



New member
Ammoman is kind of my last resort. Eric's reputation for customer service isn't the best. But if he is the only one with what I need at a price I can afford I'll buy from him... but only by credit card. My favorite is ammunition to go. Great prices and service and they have always shipped the very next day. If you catch a sale CDNN is another good source.