Good night, Smith and Wesson. Sleep well.


New member
It is, quite simply, too late for Smith and Wesson. They're dead to everybody. I don't
believe Colclough(the new President over there) replacing Schultz, will save them.
What we are seeing is a desperate and obvious attempt at damage control. Actually, let me correct myself. What we are seeing is a literal fight for survival. The only
problem here is that the zebra is already dead, and the lions are already feeding on the carcass--and going for seconds.

Ed Schultz O.J.'d his own company and dessimated any chance for survival by
underestimating the resolve of his customer base (surprise of surprises, the gun buying
public) to stand up for what they believe in and fight for the Second Ammendment.

Whether Smith and Wesson actually philosophically supports gun control or was simply capitulating to the gun control movement and the Clinton administration isn't really of consequence. What is of consequence is that they abandoned their customers and the Second Amendment, and they did it primarily out of self-interest.

If I were Murray Inc., I wouldn't trust Mr. Schultz with a potato gun. The man is just to
damn stupid to be in charge of anything larger than a photomat.

You have to be a special kind of stupid to do what he did. I don't even know what made
him think the rest of the gun industry, let alone his customers, would allow his company
to take the lead in that unholy movement.

He must be spending too much time with Marion Barry. Smith and Wesson has had a long, successful run, but their time is over now.

Sleep well, Smith and Wesson. Sleep well.


New member
whatever their intentions or motives, they have been judged by their actions....the jury has shut 'em down....

speak now, or forever hold your peace