Good News “Gun Ownership Liberalization” PNP General Did a Good Job Again.


New member
The Good General Panfilo Lacson, Philippine National Police Chief, did another intelligent decision in Submitting a Bill in the Executive House to allow any qualified civilians to own as many firearms, but allowed to carry only one gun outside his house with the one having permit to carry.

This good move of the general was again criticized by the anti gun group and some anti gun sector of the government including some congressmen.

As an observer, whatever the General is trying to do, to curve criminality, the opposition group keeps on opposing the moves. Sometimes, many congressmen are only good in talking but they themselves (some of their colleagues) were charge in court for a felony and some were also convicted.

All responsible gun owners should give a good comments to the General for there is one having the highest position in the Police Organization that can understand and support legal gun ownership.

More Power General Ping Lacson


New member
Hi stdalire. It is a good news indeed ...if the bill is going to be passed. That's the big question there. But there were rumors a few months back that Pres. Estrada wants to increase the number of firearms an individual could poccess. From what I heard and I hope it's true, 14 short and 4 long firearms. This is a big leap from present one short and one long approved bill. :D



New member
My dream to buy an M1A1 and AR15 legal will now come true if that bill will be approved.

We can also add our arsenal for 10MM and .357 to our existing inventories. At least the General is able to understand the importance of owning firearms.

I also believe that if all responsible gun owners will have good numbers of high power, this will deter criminality also.

The Ex-Navy Captain who graduated from Indianapolis and one of his fellow congressman is against to the bill. Let us see how this develop.

See you at the range and at the gunstore for shopping the hipower rifles.
