Good manual trap throwers?


New member
I'm looking for thoughts on good manual trap throwers?

I've only ever used the $30 dollar ones and I've found as soon as you try to get some speed/range the clays just break.

It must be a 3/4 type thrower or have some mechanism that makes it easy to reset.

Price range will vary, I will spend a few hundred if I have to but I want something that can launch them on par with automatic throwers without breaking them etc.

I see Do All has a few 3/4 cock ones with a counter balance to smooth out the swing - how do they work?

I also see champion sells a matchbird double with seat. These models are 200-250 or so...

Then I see Lincoln and Bowman and their models are ~600-700++++ for a manual trap thrower! Some of the entry level automatic throwers start at this price range.

Anyhow wondering how they work. I want something that can actually throw them without breaking them. What have you used for manual throwers. Not really interested in an automatic.


New member
I have a Do-All with seat and it works great! Throws singles,doubles, and rabbits without any breaking problem. I mounted a trailer hitch on the frame behind the seat, and two eight inch wheels on it, and pull it around with my four wheeler.
It is very well made in my opinion, and lot's of fun!


New member
I've tried many cheaper manual throwers over the years, most didn't have the power to throw clays very far, some were not at all durable, and at least one was potentially dangerous to the operator (when seated, the large throwing spring was directly between my legs:eek:)

I've gone back to the tried and true plasitc hand-throwers. Cheap and with a little practice you can put the clays anywhere you want.

chris in va

New member
If I were to ever get back into clays shooting again, I'd get one of these...

Trius One-Step. No cocking tension, done by stepping down on the pedal.



New member
+1 on the plastic hand throwers. If you have a buddy that can swing an arm they can provide endless options for angles. Those things throw much farther, faster, and straighter than the spring type hand throwers without breaks.

Sorry, I have nothing on the mechanical throwers.