Good Guy gets killed in the Houston area.


I don't know anything about this but that was a brave thing to do, my respect to the man.

I wonder how the anti's will spin this one? I know they will use this as a +2 murder statistic :mad:



Was there anyone else in the house? House-clearing is a dangerous activity. The article implies the only victim was already outside.

Sir William

New member
tyme, I dare say that the house was clear. Mr. Paul dead was not the desired outcome. This should serve as a wake up call for CCW holders. Hold, do not search. If there had been more than the single perp, the lady might have been in trouble. I would have put the lady in the car and GOA. Dial 911 and leave. I mean no disrespect to anyone but, Mr. Paul died. Think.


What Sir William said.

And as for spin; it is interesting to note that the Houston Chronicle would have to be pretty low - very low - on the list of print media that often, if ever, deals objectively, rationally and logically with private firearms ownership and self defense. I could speculate, but wonder why they ran a piece that is all but actively supportive of the concept in this case.

Marko Kloos

New member
Going into a house with no one but a known armed aggressor inside wasn't the wisest tactical decision. A CCW doesn't make you a one-man SWAT team.


New member
I think the error in execution occurs to all of us, but I think we also need to consider he'd recently lost a son. I'm not going to speculate on the frame of mind he may have been in, but the "standard" judgment of his decision may not necessarily be the fairest given that duress. I'm contented with saying it sounds like the world's lost a person of uncommon character, unfortunately the type of person we need most but see least.


That's exactly why it matters so much. Every one of us has to be sure that even if we're in some bad state of mind, we won't go charging into a building with a handgun to have a shoot-out with an armed criminal inside.


New member
Absolutely, your head should always be clear when you're making such tough decisions, but a lot of times that sort of scenario is one that might be sought after by someone having a tough time. As bad as it's going to sound to agree with it, one of the quotes in the article was talking about the way one'd want to go, and this was a decent one compared to an accident or illness. Can't say there haven't been times in my life where I haven't felt like that. When approached rationally I'm not saying I'd condone the action, but I'm just trying not to be a judge of a guy who was no doubt shouldering some greif but otherwise sounds to have been the model citizen.


New member
Lacking any details other that what is in the article, that is my take on it as well. Ok, he was a model citizen. And I'm sure that his intentions were pure. But his actions were rash, and that got him killed. Hate to sound like an armchair quarterback, but since the house was already cleared of innocents (as far as I can tell) and the employee he was trying to help was already outside, there was no immediate threat to life and limb. He shoulda just hiked up his threat awareness another notch, called HPD and let them handle it.


New member

Odd, isn't it? Ok, so the Chronicle isn't as bad as the AJC (the local leftist drivel around here), but it isn't all that good, either. At least they have a pretty decent Outdoors section that paints firearms in a positive light for hunting, they aren't completely anti-gun. Thankfully, we have a reasonably balanced paper here that counters the AJC; the Marietta Daily Journal -- not as big, but not flaming lefties.


I went out for a beer the other night and heard about this guy getting shot by guys that frequent the place. Been there myself, just up the road. Met the guy once, I think, just an introduction. Not my kind of bar, didn't have the best atmosphere. According to the guys I talked to..and the general understanding of what occurs, I don't think this was the "ideal" cause to sacrifice your life for. If you're going around knocking beehives, you're gonna get stung, and I ain't taking a sting for you. Ain't knocking the guy, least he killed his killer, but for what?..better deserving people and better causes out in the world. Just my opinion.


I wonder how the anti's will spin this one? I know they will use this as a +2 murder statistic

The poor guy's employee was screwing around on her husband, her boyfriend "breaks" into her house, gets her husband's gun, and waits around for her to go back to work, get her boss, and go BACK to her house where the boss rushes in to do what? She probably doesn't even have trouble sleeping at night...