Good gunshop experience!


New member
I know that we often go off on rants about terrible gun stores and their employees, but I actually had a good experience today!

I was having a rifle transfered in from a private individual in another state. I looked up my area in the Gunsamerica FFL search, and found a place that only charged $10 per transfer. I emailed this place, got them to send their FFL, and yesterday they emailed me back saying that the gun had arrived.

Well, this place is pretty far from my house so it was around 6 PM on Friday when I got off school and managed to get there. The guy behind the counter had already unpacked the rifle and accessories, and written down the information that he needed to on the 4473. I simply filled out my portion, he called it in, and seconds later I was ready to go.

Suddenly I realized that I had no way to get the rifle from my car to my house (several blocks) without being seen toting a rifle down the street. I asked the guy if he had a cardboard box or something I could use to conceal the rifle. He then gives me an old padded rifle case free of charge! And I didn't even buy the gun from him, I he only got the $10 from the transfer, so I consider that customer service.


New member
That is the kind of report that we like to hear. Good show. I hope you spread the word. Place like that deserves business.



New member
Give the guy a plug.

He did good by you, people will drive a fairly far to a good gun shop so post the name of the shop!

Let the people in your area know that there's a good shop to look for.:cool:


New member
I had just taken my carry weapon( Beretta 92) to my local gun shop on a Friday morning before work to have a squib round removed.It happened Thursday night at the range while firing my carry weapon(which I do once a week).Since I can't carry at work,this wouldn't be a problem because I could pick it up that evening.Well just so happens their smith was not going to be there that day and I would have to pick it up Monday.Knowing my certain discomfort of being without my companion and the withdraws that can come with such a departure,my gun guy went to his office and brought me out one of his personal Beretta's and handed it to me and just smiled.I told him I'd be in monday afternoon to pick mine up,and left.Monday afternoon I arrived just a few minutes after closing time and tapped on the door.He let me in,we exchanged guns,and I asked what I owed him."Come see me when you need some real work done."I've know and done business with him for 17 years,and will untill he retires.


New member
He then gives me an old padded rifle case free of charge! And I didn't even buy the gun from him, I he only got the $10 from the transfer, so I consider that customer service.
I bet it made him even happier. :)

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
Living in TN, I miss Gunstop in Excelsior, MN (952) 474-4570. A great, no BS shop with best service AND best prices of them all. If you stop by, say "hello" to Larry or Howard for me. I have yet to find a favorite place in Nashville, though Watkins Pawn in Pulaski seems to be the place for ordering new guns (not much in stock but competitive on orders).


New member
For those in Western Washington, I highly recommend Tuttle's Gun Store, in Enumclaw. Great guy, great service, and a layaway program you won't believe.

(Just don't buy the used M41 SW--I'm drooling over it.......:) :) :) )


New member
Good Gun Shops

I've read, with some wonder, about many experiences with poor attitudes and lack of knowledge on the part of many gun shop employees. Maybe I'm the exception, but I deal with two gun shops in the greater Akron, OH area (Dick's Gun Room and Pro Gun). Both shops have been simply outstanding in the assistance they've provided me over the years. The employees put up with my fondling the merchandise, knowing that I'm not really interested in buying at the moment.

If you're in the Northeast Ohio area, give them a try. I believe you'll be pleased.

No, I don't work for either of them. Just a satisfied customer.