Good Gun Buy Back Program


This is pure fantasy mind you but a thought I had while getting ready to leave for a Turkey Shoot and, later the range.

Wouldn't it be a novel approach if cities used gun buy back programs to aquire guns to be given away to needy families?
We all know, and numerious studies support the fact, that guns save lives and a home with a gun in it is safer from the criminal element. However, those in the greatest need of protection are those that are forced to live in less than ideal communities due to financial hardship. In other words they cannot afford to live any where else nor purchase a gun to protect themselves.
What if we had a progressive government that was truly concerned about the safety and welfare of it's citizens instead of political rhetortic and feel good measures designed to appease the soccer moms and alarmist? Then those wishing to dispose of a gun to make themselves feel warm and fuzzy would actually have the gun passed on to someone whom actually has the need and desire to take charge of their own security.
The program would, of course, require that the recipient demonstrate their need based on financial status, obtain the required permits and attend a proper gun safety course, which would also include proper security measures for the new gun.
When a celebrity such as Sharon Stone wanted to make a political statement by turning in her guns she would actually be doing something good for the community and maing it a safer place.

I know most of the guns turned in are junk and the chances of anything like this happening are more than a little remote but.....Hey, I can dream can't I? :D


I was promised a Shortycicle and I want a Shortycicle!


New member
I'll help you all out- I will buy back for $20.00 each pre 64 winchesters, old browning firearms, colt revolvers, fine old double shotguns, "assult weapons", drillings etc.
I promise you that they will have a good safe home and never be used in a violent act (My colt 45 acp and shotgun are reserved for violent acts)
Guys, I feel your pain and am here to help
John K.

Fight Crime-Shoot Back


Permits? In my state, private party sales are perfectly legal, as well as gift giving as long as the recipient of each is of legal age and not prohibited from owning a firearm.


New member
Of course, this will never happen. The whole point of any gun control progam is to keep guns out of the hands of "undesireables." You know... The poor, minorities, anyone who would make the liberal elite nervous if they were armed.


New member
I remember we had a protest of the local gun buyback. We had an old lady come in with her dead husbands old single shot shotgun. One guy from our group yelled out "I feel safer now that one more gun is off the street!" It was funny we got some looks from the anti's, but they felt better.

"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force."

--Ayn Rand, in "The Nature of Government"


New member
Hmm, what is to stop us from holding our own gun buy back program? Seriously, we advertise in papers and have people come some place that is rented for the day, and offer $25 for each one. Put a refusal clause in small print some where so we can refuse the jennings POS's on something. Or better yet Hold a program where we offer a sliding scale amount for each gun, based on its worth, topping out at $75 or something like that.
Heckuva novel ideal RCS. When we had our gun buyback program, some cops hung around the front steps of the Hall of Justice and bought some guns cheap! Of course, most gave more than the $50 offered. When the administration found out, they ordered everybody off the steps and told them not to intercept any potential suckers. Darn.