Good Deed


New member
Today, I was at Cabela's. About one hour before my arrival, they placed 160, 500 count Remington, .22 LR boxes on the shelf for $25. When I arrived, there were sixty. You can buy only one box. I had coffee and conversation with a friend for a bit over one hour. At the end, I checked to see how many boxes were there - zero. There was a man looking at the empty shelf with a frustrated and disappointed look on his face. Because I have plenty at home, I gave my box to this man. The look on his face was priceless. He was so relieved and I felt good about helping him. The 22s I have were purchased about 15 years ago so I don't consider myself to be a hoarder.

Please, no "attaboys" for doing this, just want to share.


Well, I'm not buying .22LR right now because the prices are too high. But if you want to know why I bought and "hoarded" a lot of it back before the shortage, and why I will buy and "hoard" a lot more when the prices come back down and the supply/demand stabilizes, it is because I want to be able to keep shooting .22LR when people get stupid about ammo. AND I want to keep shooting .22LR without having to pay ridiculous prices and without having to stand in line or make special trips to the store when the ammo shipments come in.

That's how I handle all my ammo purchases/inventory. I try to have enough on hand to ride out the next panic.

I imagine that a lot of people are trying to buy enough to get themselves into the same situation. Problem is that by taking that approach DURING a panic/shortage, they're costing themselves a lot of time and money AND they are also prolonging the panic/shortage.

But they feel like they MUST buy now because there are so many panicmongers out there trying to convince everyone that there's a conspiracy to keep .22LR away from the public. Those who believe the conspiracy theories are worried that this might be their last chance to buy .22LR so they're doing so regardless of the inconvenience and regardless of the prices being asked.


New member
I thought everyone stockpiled ammo . I think its a citizen's duty to do so .

That was a good thing to do I hope he was someone that needed .22's and not a flipper . The last time I found .22's in a store there were more people in line than there were box's so I stepped out of line . I already have plenty I just try to pick up some when I find it .


New member
I'm too old to play with firecrackers, so 22 rimfire is the next best thing. 22 rimfire is just fun to shoot.

$2.50 for 50 rounds? That's a bargain nowadays.


Active member
I'll by 22LR when it's cheap again, and not before. Let the hoarders keep hoarding. :rolleyes: And, even then, I'm only buying a couple of 500 round boxes - that will probably last me the rest of my lifetime. I just don't go through that much 22LR.


New member
Psalm 7, I hadn't thought about the dude being a flipper but my guess is he is not but, as I tell my friends, I'm always right unless I'm wrong.


New member
Regarding prices coming down on .22s, we've seen them come down some but I don't think we'll ever see the prices I was paying about 15 years ago at Walmart for a bulk box of Federal or Remington - $8.95/500 or 550.


New member
Went to a flemarket this weekend and there were the .22 flippers , several of them . What was great was I watched them and every one would stop and look at thier table till they spotted the stacks of .22lr and then leave . The ones that saw the .22's first would suddenly move on . I did not see them sale any .22's while I was there .


New member
Well, now I'm not feeling so good about giving him the box. The good side of me tells me he was desperate for ammo for his son to shoot. Yup, that's my story and I'm sticking with it.


New member
You'll get an Attaboy from me. Done it myself, a neighbor is now a friend for life after I gave him a brick from my stash last year.

One brick does not a flipper make.


New member
Doubt he was a flipper. He would have been there early to buy as many as he could (maybe with friends), and as it was all "just business" he wouldn't have stuck around long with a sad face. Just move on to the next place or wait for the next shipment.