Good day at the range!

Took my wife to the range today to let her try out her new Savage 93 17hmr. She and I had a blast and shot pretty dang well too!

My beautiful wife adjusting her scope.

Wifes target at 50 yards.

Shooting her S&W M&P15-22

My 10 shot group @ 100 yards with my Savage 10FCP in .308.

All in all, it was a great day of shooting and fun!


New member
Yep, she's a keeper Any women who will shoot guns (and shoots them well) is worth keeping around!

On the other hand, I invite my wife periodically, but don't push too hard.. there's nothing wrong with having an option to get away from time to time ;) Kinda like the golf course for some guys.
Thanks guys! It always nice to have your spouse share in your hobby. I get great joy out of seeing the smile on her face when she is shooting!


New member
Great Day at the range. Love it when my wife comes along, even if she does outshoot me fairly regularly.

Get a smaller target. Those rifles will put a box full into a 1" sticky all day long as long as you don't shoot out your point of aim.


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Why isn't there a "Like" button on this forum?! :D

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New member
Good shootin


Your wife's a good shot with the 17hmr. Not bad at all for 50 yards!:D
Wish my girlfriend loved to shoot as much as I.:(


New member
I invite my wife periodically too but she never comes. Occasionally she'll stop by the sand pit up north (I think mostly because she's wondering what the heck could be keeping us entertained for 3 to 4 hours) ... but she has yet to try firing any of the guns. Maybe this year. I think she's curious but just doesn't want to try for what ever reason. On the other hand, I have 3 sons that love to go to the range so it's not like I ever have to go alone.

Nice shooting and cool gun (I get a kick out of girls and their pink & black guns ... kewl :cool: ).


New member
My wife used to shoot a bit when we were dating and less after we were married, but hasn't shot much for 45 years. That suits me fine. She crochets and sews for fun; I don't. I still shoot a lot, but enjoy it more with the guys or alone than with the wife.

Each having our own hobbies seems to have worked for us these many years.


New member
:D Man I'm glad my wife cant shoot like that,I'D be worried all the time. Just kiddin great shooting ya'll :D