Good day at the range :-)


New member
The plan was to shoot 600 yards today but I didn't know that some of my club members were gonna be cutting trails on the property also. That was pretty much it for 600 yards. I was able to shoot 300 yards with my .308 5R and it was terrible. For the life of me I couldn't figure out why I was struggling with eye relief. Finding my target was a struggle all day long. My best 5 shot group measured a disgusting 3.988 :( As I was riding back down 58 and dodging multiple Greenville County Sheriff Department sponsored speed traps I figured it out. I allowed a new club member who just started hunting and recently purchased his first firearm to handle my rifle. He wanted to know what this did and what that did, and I recall that he adjusted the power to 40X. Shooting 300 yards at 40 power was like drawing a dot in the palm of your hand and putting it to the tip of your nose. You can see the dot but you can't really focus in on it cause its too close. As you slowly pull your hand back, the target (dot) becomes clearer. I was disappointed because the weather was perfect and I could have shot some good groups. I watched him adjdust the power but didn't remember to put it back where it was. Lesson learned. My daughter on the other did extremely well with her scoped .22. I am very proud of how she is coming along :)


New member
No kidding because I was scratching my head out trying to figure out what I did wrong. Because of the upcoming turkey season and guy that farms the land will be getting started soon I'm gonna take a friday off from work and go back up. The day wasn't a total wash because that terrible group I shot was dead center at 300 yards. I'll work my way out to 600 yards by stating at 300, 400 when I go back up :)