Good, cheap boltaction 22?


New member
I am after a new boltaction 22. Reliable, mag-fed. . . .

Something that (someday) may be (legally) suppressed - i.e. can be threaded without messing it up.

Something good for plinking, that can have a scope mounted without too much cash outlay (or gun smithing), and with reasonable parts availability.

Domestic manufacture preferred.

What model should I be looking at?

If you are looking for a excellent shooting, inexpensive 22 Rifle. Don't think that the Savage Model Mark II-LV can be beat. It is a bit more expensive than the Marlin, but much more accurate. And that is coming from a rabid Marlin guy.

As for the suppresser, it is a barrel assembly that is widely offered. I have only seen these assembly available for Rugers only, bolt and auto. Threaded barrels are illegal if manufactured after 94', (applies to auto only, bolt is OK.). Cost of most good suppressers is going to cost you anywhere from $500 to $700, plus the $200 transfer.



New member
Actually, (I think) you are only banned from threads "that can accept a flash hider", i.e. threads for which there is a FH available.

But you CAN have a fh (or threads) if you have no pistol grip as your "Deadly feature".



New member
The best low priced, magazine fed .22 bolt action rifle I've owned is a CZ452. It would shoot rings around any stock Ruger and most Remingtons.


New member
I'll second the recommendation for the Romanian trainer rifle.

Cheap. Accurate. Reliable. Has scope grooves milled into the top of the receiver.

I liked these so much I bought five of them. At 50 bucks each, I can use them till the rifling is worn away and then use them for tomato plant stakes.


New member
You BET that Romanian rifle! I've heard nothing but good about them! Thats what I'm going to pick up after Christmas for myself.


New member
I have to agree with the others about the Romainian rifle. I bought one for my son and he loves it. You will have to clean the grease out of it before shooting it. My kid is stripping the stock as a project. They have an industrial strenth finish on them that is a real pain in the butt to remove, but he's having fun with it. John K.


New member
Ditto on the Romanian training rifle. I love mine. It shoots tiny little 1 hole groups at 25 yds with several subsonic and standard velocity loads. It is VERY accurate, feels like a full sized rifle, has accurately graduated 3 leaf express sights, it's grooved for a scope and they are $50!!!! Whatever else you decide to buy, get one of these. Best bargain on the surplus market right now.


New member
Yes Romanian is dirt cheap!! Extra mags available through Gun parts corp. Will need to clean it up as the other guys mentioned. Saw one last week in the price range mentioned. Just look for a nice one. Some of the machining on them don't look so hot. This was a turn off for me. Went with a marlin model 60 ss with 4x scope included for about $150. Semi-auto 12 round tube fed mag. shoot strait!


New member
My gun dealer has a Marlin 22LR bolt rifle for $100. It's on of those deals where the rifle is barely used, i.e., one or two boxes through it. Going to buy it today. I'm not positive but it must be Model 25N, it is real plain jane, wood, blue, grooved reciever, open sights.


I have a "hand-picked" Romanian .22 that I paid another 10 or 20 for the privilege to get a good stock and etc. It shoots well. In a seated position at 50 yards (in a gusty wind, no less) I shot a one-inch group (with several wind-induced flyers that knocked me off my butt). I packed up after that. After clearing out the cosmoline there may be a teeny amount of rust just passed the chamber.

Essentially, I got a handy, accurate bolt gun that I wouldn't be too upset if I dropped it.

However, as good as a deal this rifle might be, and as fun as it can be to have this unique rifle, if you have the extra money, ($70 or $80) you could step up to a much better rifle, all and all, in new or used Marlins, Rugers, Rems, etc.

You choice. I already have a 10/22, anyway.
