Good Cheap 9mm


New member
I am looking for a good 9mm pistol that will be cheap and reliable mainly for plinking and maybe in a few years CC. There is a gunshow in tulsa this weekend. I have no preferences.
Thank you for the advice,
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New member
If you want cheap: Hi-Point

But, you will get better responses if you state what you are wanting to use the gun for. Carry, plinking, home defense, etc.


New member
Good and cheap normally dont go very well in the same thread..

But I vote Makarov for you.

Best 9mm for under 220 bucks
It isnt traditional 9L it's 9Mak or 9x18.


New member
A few options........,
Check out a Ruger, good guns and usually around $350 ish new or mid $200's if you find one used. Not sure how prices are in your area.

Or Taurus, new 9mm are really nice.

Or Bersa / Mini Storm in 9mm. Nice gun around $300 ish.

I have one for sale in .40 cal on this site, check out the pic to see what they look like. The 9mm is about the same size. Most of my guns are 9mm, but I bought the Firestorm in .40 cal and don't like paying the extra $$$$ on ammo vs. 9mm.

Garand Illusion

New member
I'd also vote for the Bersa. Never fired the full size high cap, but I have the ultra-mini (which really ain't all that ultra mini, but it ain't bad) and after about 500 rounds am LOVING it.


New member
Can't recommend it yet but I just bought a Witness in 38 Super. They have a 9mm. Reviews are great and I paid $300 out the door for mine. Haven't recieved it yet though.


New member
Good and cheap normally dont go very well in the same thread..
Just to bust your butt a little...Are you looking for a good gun for a cheap price, or a cheap gun for a good price??? ;)
Bud's gun shop is selling Ruger P95D15's for $320.00. I own one, and it's a nice gun...You will probably pay more than for a Thunder 9mm. The MSRP is $466.00.

I think you're gonna get what you pay for, especially at a gun show...

Good luck...Let us know how you do. :)


New member
Good+Cheap+Reliable+Tough As Nails=Ruger. No matter how you cut it.

Sure, there are some other cheap guns out there but is it as easy to get parts, holsters, accessories and service for them?


New member
Ruger P95. Actually, KP95PR15, which is the new, stainless model. Brand new less than $400 through Davidson's. Can't beat it.


New member
Ruger for American made quality. They work, they are reasonably accurate(dont expect match grade), and they are very durable. And, if you have a problem, you can call Ruger up and they WILL make it right. Even on guns that were purchased used.

Now.. if you want South American crap... with its horrible service reputation, get Taurus.

If your willing to spend $400, go with a Glock, either a 17 or a 19. Both will serve you well.

Javelin Man

New member
I like the suggestions for the Hi Point for cheap plinking. As for Concealed Carry, another inexpensive firearm that is excellent for concealing is the Kel-tec P11. $120 for a Hi Point, $230 for the Kel-tec.


New member
Makarov 9x18 They can be found for less than 200 dollars in a lot of places. Reliable and accurate A great buy for the money.


Eric Larsen

New member
Well.......theres the Arcus 94, Star BM, Star Firestar, Used S&W's, FEG BHP clone and other true 9mm's out there........all are good for the money.
The gun Beretta showed you is not a Makarov.....its a Polish P64 made by Radom. Its a good gun but not a true Makarov, only the caliber is 9x18 Mak.......the pic below it is the Makarov gun.
The Makarov is a shooter and IMO, a best buy for under 200$.......
The Bersa is also a very good gun....but comes in .380 and I like Maks better.
Shoot well...........