Goldilocks and gun control ... the first gun was TOOOO big ...

Garand Illusion

New member

So for the anti gun people ...

Some guns are TOOOOO big!
And some guns are TOOOOO small!

I'm still waiting for the ones that are JUUUUUST right!

For your amusement ... the hysteria of the below is mind boggling. This little gun has been discussed on various gun boards. It is barely capable of penetrating the skin, much less getting to the heart. And if it does ... it creates a 2mm wound channel. More like a large hypodermic needle than a bullet!


Introducing the world's smallest gun that fires deadly 300mph bullets - but is just TWO inches long

Jonathan Spencer, consultant forensic scientist and firearms expert, said that although the gun, which fires bullets at a speed of 399 feet a second, was tiny, it could still prove fatal and in the eyes of the law was as dangerous as a machine gun.

He said: "The general threshold for perforating the skin is about 330 feet a second.

"Apart from bone, skin offers the greatest resistance to penetration. If it can pass through the skin it is potentially lethal, even if the bullets are small.

"If you shoved something 3mm across into someone's chest you could kill them. It's the same with these bullets, they could penetrate the heart.

"It is capable of killing someone. Under section 5 of the Firearms Act it would be a prohibited weapon. It would be on the same scale as a machine gun."

In September 2006 the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives(ATF) in New York issued a warning about the gun after being alerted by a police officer who spotted it on a website.

Special Agent William McMahon said the gun was so small it could pass for a key fob, and warned it made the perfect stealth weapon for serious criminals.

I think that a good pea shooter (are those still california legal?) would be even stealthier and import more damage to the recipient.

And take on it (even more fun):

No One Would Want This “Tiny” Lethal Gun to Legal in the United States, Right?

The gun industry in America will no doubt support the argument that the miniature revolver is a novelty item for the wealthy. But most citizens of the United States, we are sure, believe that keeping such a deadly “plaything” out of our country is the right thing to do.

That’s the problem with the “Second Amendment rights” movement. It places religious faith in a firearm when most of us just look at it as a dangerous product that shouldn’t enter the marketplace.

Let the “SwissMiniGun” stay on the other side of the Atlantic. Then let’s begin keeping .50 caliber sniper rifles out of civilian hands as the next step in enhancing our personal and national security.

grey sky

New member
On another thread on the same subject I made a desparaging remark about the special agent short bus. I regret that as it gives the special agent too much credit .

Hysteria : disturbance of (a Woman's) nervous system with convulsions, disturbance of mental faculties, ect.; morbid excitment.
Thats according to Webster


New member
"Just as deadly as a machine gun"? I think the boys in Iraq and Afghan would beg to differ on that one. But if the police in Europe are willing to agree, then I'm sure they wouldn't mind trading one of thier rinkydink MP-5s for a pocket pistol. You guys with the Class 3 licenses need to jump in on this!


New member
That's the insanity we face today; Liberals defining what guns are too big.
We better pray that the SCOTUS rules in our favor, or we will be surrendering all of our guns, then knives, then tooth picks.
