Gold or Brass?

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Please note that this is not meant to be an L&P thread, so please no political argument about how we got here or who is responsible. Mods, please shut this down if it goes astray.

What I am wondering is, that with Wall Street tanking, and our economy teetering on the brink of collapse (so the media keeps saying), how well are US gun makers set to weather the storm? Do you think some of them will go out of business? Which ones are in danger, if any?

And a second question, Gold or Brass, which one will be the most important to you if it all drops in the pot? Remember that in the past our government has outlawed private ownership of gold (except for jewelry and registered coin collectors), and in times of civil unrest our govt. suspends the sale of guns and ammo (Brass).

Remember the story of the chicken, the cartridge and the krugeraand?


New member
I think most gun manufacturers will be just fine. Despite the economy being in a poor state (to say the least), it is a good time to be in the weapons industry. As long as there is war in the world (USA or other) the demand for guns will be steady.

As for the average local "Gun Shop" ... that may be a different story, especially if the "anti-gun party" takes over the WH.

IMHO Gold is a great investment. It will have it's ups and downs, but I would bet that the price per ounce will continue to rise over the long haul. If the value of the Dollar continues to decline, gold prices will be the first rise. However, you cant eat gold (so I'm told) and you sure as heck cant hunt with it :)


New member
Well, no matter how much the reporters scream and squirm, what's happening on wall street today is "bargain hunting."

The candidates are still pointing fingers at each other, but they're trying to figure out what to say.

IMHO, if you have enough money invest in a sizable amount of gold, use it to buy land instead.

You can't eat gold. Gold is not money. Gold is a just a symbol, and has been used for ages because it is portable.

Money is land (assets) and man (time).