Golani- Galil AK's

Hey guys,
I picked up a DPMS AR-10 a few weeks ago and I think I'm going get an AR-15 and maybe an AK.

I've seen these Golani Galil type AK's in .223 and that is rather appealing to me since I would like to get an AR-15 also, because I would have common ammo.

I've just started considering the Golani option so I'm just starting to dig into it. But I wanted ask if anybody knows anything about these guns and what are your thoughts?

Thanks a lot.


New member
check it out in person...

be careful that you get one with a tight folding stock. Some are sloppy in the hinge. I bought one and neglected to properly address the issue. Since then, I keep it shimmed. At gun shows I check out the available Golani's and have found one-in-four to have a loose hinge.
Good luck.

- JKHolman


New member
I picked up a Golani about 6 months ago, it has been a great rifle and accurate too! I have wanted a Galil for quite some time but the going price on the originals is just to expensive.
I have heard that there has been a recall on some of the earlier ones. A good forum to check out is on UziTalk:
From what I have read some people have had troubles with theirs?
I am very pleased with mine.



Evil Monkey

New member
The way I look at it, the galil is mostly a collectors firearm due to it having Israeli fighting history. It doesn't have a whole lot of after market support, it's just another AK variant, good mags getting more expensive since surplus is drying up, etc.

The price is definitely attractive. You can get one for about $600. Then you can buy rusted up mags from Century Arms for $13 each and refinish them at home. Assuming the rifle is flawless, it's a good deal, especially if you buy some parts for the rifle just in case something goes wrong with it in the future.

But at that same price with mags and all, you can buy some other 223 AK with a scope rail, more after market accessories, with a stamped receiver you'll have a lighter rifle, etc.

Decisions, decisions.......


New member
The Galil's not a bad rifle at all (won't bother with it's pluses and minuses), but the Golani is from the fine folks at Century. Usual buyer beware/inspect thoroughly disclaimer with their products is in order.
So Golani is essentially Century Arms?
I didn't know that. Well yeah that does make a bit more cautious and with my luck I would get a bum one.....:).

This would probably be an ordered gun so if there are quality issues then I would be wary. Everytime I go to a gun show here in Fort Worth, I just don't see many AK's. Of course I'd prefer FTF deals but there just isn't much out there with the current conditions.

Thanks for the info guys. I'll still consider the Golani but I will be much more cautious and will probably only get one if I can touch it and feel it.


New member
i got to look at 1 recently, I was disappointed at how much machining marks this thing had. the reciever was covered in circular swirls.


New member
The receivers are machined/made by ORF (Ohio Rapid Fire) and are usually high quality.
I have heard that Century is no longer using ORF receivers on the Golani's and wonder if that is what you have seen?

Another User Name, I must admit if I would have done some research before buying my Golani, I would have been very nervous about it. I'm glad I did buy it though and don't plan on parting with it.
I did have about 10 Golani's to go through and inspect before buying and if possible you should try to do the same.

Evil Monkey

New member
All I know is that some problems with the receivers (don't know which manufacturer) are peening where the bolt carrier makes contact upon locking into battery, mushrooming of the ejector, mushrooming of the trunnion locking lugs, and having a bullet guide riveted too low and therefore having the rounds impact the bottom of the chamber/barrel.



New member
Mine was one of the ones that were on the recall list. I have had zero problems with the rifle. I found out that they were hacking off the bayonet lugs and remarking the receivers and I did not send mine back.

I have had problems with the plastic magazines and I had to use a Dremel tool to get them to fit properly.

It slings brass farther and damages brass worse than an HK.

Superhouse 15

New member

We just got a pair in the gunshop. They have tight stocks but horrible safety levers. Very tight and a two-handed job for sure. The mags are also outrageous. I think we have the 40 (45?) round ones priced at $50.


New member
I just checked mine for peening, all is well:D
Mine accepts the Orlite magazine fine, it is a snug fit though and loosens up after a few insertions.
I agree the magazines that came with were very rough, one would have a fail to feed on the last round, I was able to take the dent out of it and they cleaned up OK.
Thanks a lot guys for all the good info.
I'm new to AR's and AK's. Just bought an AR-10 and was thinking about the AK.

Well, since I haven't seen any Golani's at the gun show I was going to order one online, but I'm not going to do that now. It seems a good once over is needed to before buying.

With that said, what would be some suggestions for a good AK. I've heard Arsenals are really good but they are pushing $900. Polytechs seem to get a good rep but don't know where to find them.

What are your suggestions? I should head over to AR15.com and check with those guys but they don't want my gmail.com account.