Going to send out the High Power for some work


New member
I've got an early 90's practical that just had the trigger go south on me. It developed a lot creep after thousands of rounds, so I decided that I should go for it and get a few extras. I'm thinking of having the mag. well beveled along with a trigger job, muzzle re-crown, and feed ramp polished. I have never had a mal-function, misfeed or stove-pipe with this handgun and was wondering if these reliability packages would even be worth it for a gun that is problem free (except for my recent trigger problem). I'll be sending this to Novak's former expert so I'm hoping for a real slick operating machine when I get it back.

Stephen A. Camp

Staff In Memoriam
Hello. I'm the first to admit that "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," but the enhancements you mention likely would only add to the usefulness of the pistol if, as you note, they're done by a competent 'smith.
Certainly, the trigger requires work, but the rest is probably as much for your benefit as the gun's in terms of peace of mind. Best.


New member
Replace sear with the Cylinder & Slide part, trigger and hammer too if you can.

IMHO mag well bevelling is a waste of money on a BHP. The magazine itself is tappered so the end of the mag is already smaller than the mag well opening. It is a useful procedure on a 1911 where the end of the mag just fits into the mag well, but would be a waste were that not the situation. If the gun is already feeding what you want to use in it I wouldn't worry about the ramp polish either, unless you think that this would make the feeding 'feel' smoother or you have found some ammo that does not feed reliably.

[This message has been edited by Jeff OTMG (edited November 04, 2000).]


New member
Thanks for the responses guys. In the case of the mag well, mine fits magazines real tight, not like my last High Power. Even though it feeds real well, the feed ramp could definately be smoother. By the way, I saw a used polished blue MKIII today at my local gun shop for $479. High Powers are easy to find here in N.Y. State. The big sellers here are Glocks and Kimbers.


New member
TBS --

Sounds like all you need is a new trigger spring. That would eliminate a lot of that creep. It worked for me. For about $5 and five minutes of your time you can replace it yourself. If you need instructions, we cna go offline and I'll talk you through it. However, I do recommend Wickmann Gun Works for the crowning. He did mine and the difference is amazing.