Going to 40 cal this summer, good choice?


New member
Around the end of summer I will have a bunch of money to blow, and I am thinking about getting the Glock 27 and 23. Is this a good idea over my 19 and 26? how much more recoil am I looking at, I know I am going to lose 1 round in the 27 vs 26 and 2 in the others from 15>13. I think the pay off will be good because the 40 is used by most LEO and FBI/other federals. What is the recoil/follow up shots like compared to 9?


New member
The only problem I see is that you are going to have to change your username.:p

Seriously though the .40 is a very "snappy" round. It has a harsher recoil than the 9mm. That said, the Gen 4 G27 I used to own was very pleasant to shoot. I had a G22, G23 and a G27 and I could shoot the G27 the best. I think it was the dual recoil spring that made it easier to shoot.

I'm actually contemplating getting another G27 since I sold the other one and regret it.


New member
The recoil is more pronounced. Exactly how different your performance is will depend on you.

My general advice:

Set a target at 3 yards. Dump a mag into it, as fast as you can. Try this with 9, and with .40. If your patterns are the same, go with the .40. If you perform better with the 9, stay with 9.

The change only makes sense if you're not trading hits for caliber.


New member
Do it, you will like it, good advice on dumping a mag although maybe slightly biased if you are used to 9mm. Seems as though 40 ammo is more readily available these days...who knows this summer.


New member
There is one range here that allows rentals for guns, once things die down and ammo comes back on the market I will try to rent the 23 and 27. I didn't think the 40 would but that much snappier, I seen videos of people shooting Glocks in 9/40/45 and the gun/their arm never moves, like an aimbot....


New member
Give the round some practice first. I'm a .40 aficionado, but for me I can't feel much difference between the recoil on the 9mm and the .40, especially when using 180-grain .40. It's definitely a bit sharper, but a very minimal difference to me. For other shooters, there is often a significant difference.

Depends a lot on the shooter. :)


New member
Glock 23 all the way!

I'll try not to get too wrapped up in this. So I'll just give you my opinion and let that be that.
I've shot a couple glock 40's One was a full sized, the other was a sub compact. I did not like either of them. The full sized (granted I was less experienced at the time) seamed to put the hurt on my trigger finger... while the sub compact (g27, many years later) had enough snap that I would have to regain my grip with my support hand after almost every shot. Admittedly I was using a "somewhat" relaxed grip because I was going for accuracy, but I still had a good solid hold on both of them, just not a "choke hold"

Both of them were Gen 3 glocks.

In my experience the Glock 19 (compact) had the best spacing for my fingers to get the best and most consistent hold. In comparison I have not shot the Glock 23, but I think it would be the most manageable 40 for that reason.

I've got a glock 26 (sub compact 9mm) and I can basically shoot it just as well as any other 9mm glock. With the 40 sub compact, thats just not the case. Let me explain. I shot my buddies glock 27, and at 15 yards I was taking my time and holding a nice tight group. I could see he was impressed, I was shooting better than him with his own gun. However, he still lets anticipation of recoil ruin his shots (a life long project) So yes, I could shoot it well. BUT there was so much snap that I could never shoot it with the speed and consistency of my 26, simply because I dont have that extra finger backing up my grip.

I happen to know a VERY experienced shooter who has a Glock 27, and he said he was going for the 26 instead. I also know of a police officer who had his Glock 27 for sale.... I'm speculating, but maybe he decided it was more than he could handle.

I think if I were to get a glock in 40 it would be the 23 for 2 reasons.

It would be a good range and concealment gun because of it's smaller than full sized size, but full hand grip. AND because I could use it for .357 SIG by ONLY changing the barrel! The .357 SIG case is the same at it's base as a 40, and because of that, you can use the same extractor and magazine as the 40... you only need to change the barrel. You can even use the same spring.

So to wrap it up. A Glock 23 with an extra .357 SIG barrel would be my only choice if I were to get into a Glock 40

And of course, here is a hickok45 video expressing some of the same points.


Hmmm.... I guess I need to go buy a G23
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New member
There are other guns beside Glock !! :p
Get a HK P7 M10 and you won't know it recoiled at all -and accurate too. That's my one and only .40 that I've had from the beginning and I'm a big fan of the cartridge .


New member
The P229 is the best 40 caliber platform out there. It can also shoot 357 SIG with a barrel swap. Shoot one before buying anything else.

If small is your thing, try the Walther PPS in 40. No one ever considers this little gun. It's awesome.