GOA alert re Colorado "gun show loophole"


Member In Memoriam
No doubt about it. This is an unabashed request for funds, from Larry Pratt/GOA, to assist RMGO in much-needed funds.

The call to help those in Oregon a few back resulted in many of us digging in our pockets - brought in a fair amount of change. Thanks to all who participated in that one.

Be a participant in this one as well.

RMGO has kicked some serious butt here in CO - from (almost) having our turn-coat Guv
skulk off the stage at his own state convention to the latest challenges to the SAFE initiative which is currently tied up in CO Supreme Court due to RMGO's efforts.

None of this is cheap. Do what you can & thanks - no, Thank You!

Just kicked $50 into the pot myself & I ain't even a member.


"Last year we all watched in horror at the tragedy at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado. Nearly as horrific was the feeding frenzy of the anti-gun media and the drum beating of the gun control
advocates who used this incident as an excuse to call for draconian new limits on our freedom.

In Colorado, almost all of those gun control proposals were defeated by GOA and our local partners in freedom, Rocky Mountain Gun
Owners (RMGO).

But our friends in Colorado are now in a fight for their lives: they must defeat a statewide initiative, sponsored by the father of one of the Columbine victims, to close the so-called "Gun Show Loophole."

Earlier I alerted you to a ballot initiative in Oregon. Frankly, the battle in Colorado may be even more important to you and me.

That's why I ask you right now -- today -- to send a contribution to RMGO either by mail to PO Box 3114, Denver Colorado, 80201 or at http://www.rmgo.org/donate.html on the web.

Why is this important to you?

First, RMGO is a true grassroots organization that has fought all the right battles and done remarkably well.

But their funding, from activists in Colorado, isn't sufficient to overcome the incredible tide of out-of-state cash being raised by their opponent, SAFE (we believe SAFE is more accurately called "UnSAFE" since they advocate the disarming of citizens).

SAFE is raising money from huge foundations, liberal trusts, and outside groups to fund their power grab -- a funding source our
Colorado allies do not have.

The entire nation is watching Colorado. It has been considered a "pro-gun state" until now, and the media is building up this
initiative battle as the granddaddy of political wars. RMGO's Executive Director Dudley Brown has been a guest on countless
national news programs during the last year, defending our rights in the face of blistering attacks from the left-wing media. Brown always concludes that the Columbine shooting might have been
stopped had a teacher been carrying a concealed weapon.

Because of this national spotlight, Colorado is now the battleground for our rights. And if we -- you, me, and every citizen who is
concerned with freedom -- won't help RMGO fight off this attack on our gun rights, who will?

Below is a note from RMGO's Dudley Brown to tell you how you can get involved.

Please help out now.


Larry Pratt

P.S. RMGO deserves your most generous support. Please send a contribution to RMGO at PO Box 3114, Denver Colorado, 80201 or
give online at http://www.rmgo.org/donate.html on the web.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners
PO Box 3114
Denver, Colorado 80201


Dear Friend,

My fight is yours, and yours is mine: wherever the attacks are launched on our freedoms, I am willing to fight.

It took only a few hours for the national media to start talking about gun control the day two murderous thugs entered Columbine

Rather than cower and apologize for our freedoms, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners answered the call to defend our Constitutional rights.

While we didn't win every battle in the state legislature, we did make our enemies pay for every inch. And one issue they couldn't pass was to force private sales at gun shows through their Brady Registration check.

SAFE -- Colorado's top front group for disarming law-abiding gun owners -- immediately turned to a ballot initiative, knowing they would have willing accomplices in the media and a torrent of cash from every left-wing "public interest" group.

This week, RMGO is kicking off its fund raising efforts to fight this initiative.

We make this plea to gun rights supporters across our great country: stand up with us, and oppose this scheme.

Now, the radicals at SAFE raise their money from just a few contributors in $1000 chunks: we, on the other hand, have to raise
our money by thousands of donors in small amounts.

Your donation of $100, $75, $50 or even $25 will show our opponents that America isn't going to let them get away with buying out our civil rights.

You can make a donation online at http://www.rmgo.org/donate.html or by mail at PO Box 3114, Denver Colorado, 80201.

There is no time to waste -- we must gather the resources necessary to fight this gun control proposal as soon as possible.

All eyes are watching to see what Colorado does. We ask for your assistance, and your prayers.

Standing firmly for freedom,

Dudley Brown
Executive Director

P.S. Colorado has become the battleground for our gun rights, and we need help. The gun-grabbers are raising money hand-over-fist
from liberal out-of-state organizations, and I am certain we cannot compete without your assistance.

Please donate whatever you can afford -- $25, $50, $75, $100 (there
are no limits) -- to RMGO as soon as possible to help us fend off
this attack on our freedoms.

Rocky Mountain Gun Owners
PO Box 3114
Denver, CO 80201

Please Make Checks Payable to "RMGO" "