"Go To" Gun

roy reali

New member
I have an old Remington 581 that I inherited from my father. It wears a cheap scope. The gun is about forty years old and the scope isn't much newer. It ain't fancy and it ain't powerful, but this is my Go To Gun as far as accuracy is concerned. It almost never misses. I am not the best shot by any means, but this rifle even makes me look good.

I like to set soda cans on their side with the openning facing me. I set them out about fifty paces. Then I try to shoot through the hole and hit the opposite side of the can. Nine out of ten times I succeed. If I need to dispatch some vermin, this is the gun I grab. If the crosshairs are placed between the ears of a rabbit or on the head of a gopher, that animal is toast. I do miss at times. But when I do, I know it is my fault.

I enjoy going to range with it and setting up a target at fifty yards. I like to sit next to some guy with a fancy rimfire rifle that has all the bells and whistles and then compare group sizes. Now to be honest, they usually out group my rifle, but not by much. If you consider the dollar investment in the two guns, then I make out like a bandit.

What is the most accurate gun that you have? It might not be your most powerful gun or even your favorite gun, but it is your Go To Gun when you have to make a shot that counts.