

New member
Allegedly, I spoke "poorly" of my ex-wife in a reply to a thread, not unlike many other people do, except mine has perpetually stalked me online wherever she can ever since I filed for dissolution back in the fall of 2000. Apparently, she complained to Eric about it and threatened to sue him over it. Rather than just tell her to F off and go away, he deleted the offending thread and banned me. In all fairness, Sidearmor warned me a couple years ago about mentioning my ex on GT. I guess I didn't realize it was a "permanent warning". :eek:


New member
Taking this even further OT . . .

I wondered why I haven't seen you over there, JBar4. (I'm impressed with your "in all fairness" concession - you sure don't see that a lot anymore. But then, you always have been a good guy, at least as long as I've seen you on the 'net.)

Man, I check GT daily still, but I don't spend nearly as much time there as I used to back in the late '90s on the old board. Part of that is that there's only so much that I have to say about Glocks, but part of it is that the overall tone seems to have changed somewhat. I like to scan the "carry issues" and the "tactics" boards (I find plenty of interesting stuff there), but I don't think I've been on GNG for over a year.

But I'm always pleased to run into folks I recognize on more than one board. Always happy to meet them in person, too - I've met some good folks that way.

And what makes me the happiest is that TFL is back operating again! It still makes me smile every time I see that banner come up.



New member
Jbar, you're welcome here. :)

As I somehow know, divorce is rough. Exercise destroys stress. Hope everything works out.


Staff Alumnus
Posted By Jbar4Ranch...
Allegedly, I spoke "poorly" of my ex-wife in a reply to a thread, not unlike many other people do, except mine has perpetually stalked me online wherever she can ever since I filed for dissolution back in the fall of 2000. Apparently, she complained to Eric about it and threatened to sue him over it. Rather than just tell her to F off and go away, he deleted the offending thread and banned me. In all fairness, Sidearmor warned me a couple years ago about mentioning my ex on GT. I guess I didn't realize it was a "permanent warning".

Jbar4Ranch, your account of your banning from GT isn't exactly 'The Truth, The Whole Truth and Nothing But The Truth' and you know it. You and your ex had engaged in mutual combat on my site for over three years when you were banned and you had both been warned repeatedly by me. I personally warned you on at least three occassions. You both were quiet for a while, but in May you posted a series of messages concerning your ex, wherein you posted personal contact information, attacked her personally and said some really dispicible and very personal things about her son. For you to play the wounded victim now is laughable.

When this latest round of bashing was brought to my attention and your ex once again began hassling me about your posts, I banned both you and your ex-wife, as you are well aware. Neither of you had any business airing your dirty laundry on my site and you were both warned repeatedly about doing so. Play the martyr if you want, but I think it is a little disingenuous of you to do so, while recounting only part of the story.

As for the outages on GT, there were a series of power outages in the neighborhood of my servers that day. I was on the road in Arizona and had to talk my brother through restarting the servers and checking the drive partitions, over the phone. That can be a bit of a trick. Due to a lack of communication, I almost talked him through running fsck on the mounted root partition of the primary GT front-end server. :eek: Those of you who know Linux/Unix know what a bad thing that would be. Anyway, all's well that ends well.

On a side note, we are in the process of setting up some really nice Alpha UPS systems, for the GT servers. The current UPS's we run give us about 8 minutes of battery time, in the event of an outage. These new systems will give us about 3 hours. I hope to have them online this weekend. Eric


New member
I've been hearing that PHX is pretty much expecting rolling blackouts for a while, since that transformer station went out. They're sending a new one from Oregon or something? Anyway, hope the new systems take care of it! :)


Staff Alumnus
Hi Erich. My network is in Dallas right now, but I was in Phoenix last week and heard about the power outages. There was a transformer fire somewhere that ia causing a lot of trouble with the grid there. Power outages happen here in Dallas fairly often too, but they are usually caused by weather. It rained 20 days out of the month of June, here in northern Texas. I'm not complaining though. The cooler weather was nice. Once I get the new UPS system online, I can breath a little easier when the skies cloud up. Then all I will have to worry about are floods and tornadoes. :D Eric


New member
Man, you've got all the weather problems of the Midwest combined with all the heat of the South. :eek: At least it doesn't snow much there! :)


New member
Hey guy's speaking of glock talk I have registered and followed the link and all of that other stuff, I can log in but when i try to post a reply or anything it tells me I am not logged in what's up with that I haved emailed Eric and side armor but got no help, could someone help me out. :D


Staff Alumnus
Hello. Either you are not putting in the correct password, or else your GT cookie is corrupted. If an incorrect password is used, the login will appear to be correct, under certain circumstances, but the user will not have any priviliges. Try logging out and logging back in. If you are unsure about your password, use the following link, to look it up: . If that doesn't work, you need to log out, delete your GT cookie, close all open browser windows, go back to GT and log back in. This procedure is explained in GT's FAQ: . I hope this info helps. Eric


New member
Okay I tried what you said and it still wont let me do anything, I will try to figure out whats going on at my end. Thanks :)


New member
First gun board I was a member of. I liked it a lot. I guess IT, or ME needed to move on. Probably me. No, I wasn't kicked off. Anyone know the site that Sidearmor is hanging out at? I would like to drop by sometime.


New member
EricGT: I have been trying to register for Glock Talk all summer. I see a message that says your IP has been banned????? What does that mean? Also I E Mail you and get no answer. I am on many other forums with no problems???? I have ATT Worldnet Service??? :mad: