Glock trigger question


New member
I was looking around last night at the glock sites and found a 3 1/2 glock trigger connector for a Glock 22.

Would it be worth it to install along with a recoil reducing spring kit and carry it like i usually do,or would it be to dangerous with a very light trigger.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Now THERE'S a can of worms!

A lot of people are going to tell you that a 3 1/2 pound trigger with no safety is dangerously light.

A 3 1/2 pound trigger is actually on the high-average side in my world.

I tend to think that it's not too light. Your finger shouldn't touch the trigger unless your pulling it, so any pull weight that's not angel breathe light should be just fine IMO.

Ding Ding Ding!!! Round One, commence!

Uncle Malice

New member
I wasn't sure how I'd like it until I installed them... now I wouldn't own a Glock without one!

I have used both the Ghost 3.5 and Ghost Ultimate 3.5... I much prefer the Ultimate and it's a little more expensive but very nice in my opinion. It made my accuracy better, that's for sure!


New member
If I were a lawyer, which I am not, I would tell you that altering your pistol to make the trigger lighter could open you to the possibility of added liability in a civil or criminal trial after an SD shooting. That said, I don't think that it would increase the chance of an ND, but I'm not an expert shooter either.


New member
Not sure about the danger issue, but how well do you shoot with your present trigger? I have a G36 with the 5lb. trigger and I shoot very well from a combat standpoint.


I'm about to put in a Ghost 4.5

As far as I'm concerned, it could be 1 lb and I'd be fine with it. I never ever ever ever touch the trigger when I am chambering / holstering / unholstering / when the gun is loaded, so I don't see it as any issue whatsoever.

There are tons of 1911's with 3 and 3.5 pound triggers. Just cause it has a safety doesn't mean you have free reign to finger the trigger and break gun safety rules.


New member
but how well do you shoot with your present trigger

I like it and shoot it well,i was just trying to spruce it up a bit with a trigger job,recoil redution kit and a bar-stow barrel.

I have been talking to my wife about wanting to shoot some competiton with it and her later this summer.She and i are both going to need a competition pistol.I keep telling her i will buy her something for that but she thinks it will cost to much,so i figured instead of buying something new,go with we got and make a few changes.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
I have been talking to my wife about wanting to shoot some competiton with it and her later this summer.She and i are both going to need a competition pistol.I keep telling her i will buy her something for that but she thinks it will cost to much,so i figured instead of buying something new,go with we got and make a few changes.

You could also swap back and forth for competition purposes. For carry purposes, I would practice with one or the other but swapping out for a lighter trigger for competition would be super easy. You can change the connector in about 5 minutes, if you're slow at it.

Walt Sherrill

New member
As Uncle Malice said, I wouldn't own a Glock that didn't ahve the 3.5 trigger.`

And I don't think that's particularly light -- even for a carry gun.

I also don't think it would cause problems in a lawsuit -- as it is standard on some Glock models (like the 34 and 35).

The main issue, generally, in a shooting, is whether the use of lethal force was appropriate...


New member
ok since it can be done,my wife brought up another question,would it be legal to do this for competition.Would this be alterring it to much since it's supposed to be a stock gun class.

trigger,barrel and recoil redution spring.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
ok since it can be done,my wife brought up another question,would it be legal to do this for competition.Would this be alterring it to much since it's supposed to be a stock gun class.

It would depend on the competition and how they define "stock". You can get a 3 1/2 pound connector from Glock so it is, sort of, a "stock" part, or at least OEM.

Anyway, I'm sure that the rule book for whatever competition you are referring to would answer you question.

Walt Sherrill

New member
For IDPA, changing out the connector, slide release, and mag release, if you use Glock parts, is still legal. Factory parts keeps it stock.

Don't know about other venues.


New member
Just to clear up some misconceptions...a 3.5# connector alone still only yields a 4.5# trigger pull...

4 pounds and 6 ounces in my numerous cases...


New member
3.5 safe?

The only true safety on a glock is you. If you pull the trigger it shoots. So I keep mine in a holster at all times unless I need to take it out in which case I say out loud "hot gun." Just my way of doing business.

I have owned four Glocks; 19, 26, 17 and a 22. I have become a true believer. Dollar for dollar it is the best semi auto out there.

AS for the trigger I have a 3.5 lb on my GSSF gun. I only use it for competition or home defense and never for carry. Stock triggers are for carry. That trigger is all that is between you and a boom. IMHO.


New member
I have a 3.5# connector in my G36 and it isn't too light. It still takes a deliberate effort to fire it. If I ever bought another Glock, it would definately have one installed immediately. There is a world of difference between a 3.5# connector in a Glock and a 1911 with a 3.5# trigger.


Just installed my 4.5 pound ghost connector last night. Let me tell you, it was a breeze. Very simple task to accomplish and put back together.

I got out my macro lens and took some good shots, which most of the guiders are lacking.

Anyways my trigger feels much improved now. I had previously measured mine at 6.7 pounds for what was supposed to be 5.5 pounds.


New member
3.5 is very high to my standards. I perform all my trigger jobs to give me 2-2.5 LBS. In some cases less. My Charger has a 1.5 LBS trigger, for instance.

Last I checked the best safety is still your index finger...


New member
Have you fired Glocks with both triggers?

I have not,just the one i have which is the standard trigger.Mainly i just want it to be as accurate and fine tuned as i can get it for some beginner idpa matches this summer.

When i get this new trigger connector i would like someone to post how they did it.:D or show me a video so i can see things in action,and when i get the gun back togather i'll have my wife video(pics at least) of our range report.

BTW thanks for all your advice and any other advice would be great.