Glock started shooting to the left..sights not moved??


New member
My Glock has suddenly started shooting dramaticlyto the left. Why? The factory fixed sights are still centered and dont appear damaged. I'm using the same kind of ammo as always, the gun looks normal internaly and functioned normaly. I know my shooting couldnt have deteriorated that bad in just a weeks time. Even if, when i get sloppy any fliers generaly go to the right with me. What could cause a guns point of aim to shift lateraly like that besides the sights being off?


A ding on the end of the barrel (the crown) will throw the rounds WAY off.... also, is the barrel seating into the slide the same?

Bad Al

New member
Shoot it with your other hand or let someone else fire it before messing with the sights. Just a suggestion!:)


Moderator Emeritus
In a...

..."high mileage" range gun, that's sometimes a symptom of a cracked frame.

Before you get all bent out of shape about what I just said, have a few other folks shoot it and have a Certified Glock Armorer look at it.

Are you sure the rear sight hasn't been knocked to one side inadvertently?


New member
Thanks for all the input so far. I'm absolutely sure the sights hadnt been moved. Even if they had, it couldnt have been enough to effect the point of aim the way it did....they look perfectly centered now as always. At 7 yards its shooting about 6-8 inches to the left. When I aimed at the center of a standared size silhouette targets the rounds hit in the shoulder area. At 15+ yards it was off the page with a center aim. I had a friend at the range who is a Glock armorer (and has the $200 sight tool to prove move the sights for me. He got the right edge of the sight all the way to the end of the dove tail (flush with the right side of the slide!!!)and it was still hitting about 2 inches to the left. Thats when I knew it couldnt be the sights. The barrel and slide lock up the same as always, or at least they apear to be. If their is a differance it would have to be unnoticable to the naked eye. I have had about 3 people shoot it, and all have similar points of impact. I havent thought to check the crown, But I'l do that right now. If the slide or frame is cracked, i didnt notice it when I cleaned it..which for me is a slow, detailed process. Otherwise it functions fine.
The gun in question is a second gen. Glock 20 that has fired about 5-6 thousand rounds of mild to wild handloads and factory ammo.


I'm going for the obvious here.... the one way to really screw up a bullet is to damage the crown of the barrel as it steers the bullet wrong as it leaves the gun.

If not the crown, the only other way to get the bullet to fly left is to point the barrel in that direction. To get a 6" shift at seven yards the barrel end would have to move about 0.2" to the left... I don't think this is possible and still have it seat into the slide.

One real long shot: is there some damage to (or garbage stuck inside) the grooves or lands near the end of the barrel?

Please post the cause when you find out so we can learn something.


New member
Cracked Slide!

You need to take a very close look at your slide - a guess would be in the area of the ejection port. I've seen this happen before.


New member
I went over the pistol with a very close eye and found nothing out of the ordinary. Then thinking of how hard cracks can be to see on black guns, I looked it over again under a magnifying glass and some strong lights. Still nothing. The barrel is mirror clean except for the typical Glock barrel grey streaks (no its not lead, I dont use lead, Glock barrels just get grey streaks, still havent heard a good explination as to why yet) with no blemishes in the bore or crown. What makes it real confusing is that the pistol still functions reliably and shoots the same size groups, just to a different point of aim. If the gun was jamming or shooting eratic groups, it would be obvious something was wrong with the gun. But its just shooting a consistant tight group way to the left. The ammo I'm using is UMC 180gr and handloaded 180gr Golddots at about 1250FPS. This has been my standard practace ammo since I got the pistol about 2 years ago. I tried some Silvertips(my carry load) , Blazer 200 gr and PMC 170gr JHP's with the same results.
I was going to e-mail Glock, but someone said they are shut down until after the first of the year.
I had also thought about getting a new barrel or upper, but if that dosnt work i will end up with even more money to try to get out of a pistol that dosnt work right. I may end up tradeing it in on a new one, but I just dont like the new grips, nad that accesories rail is just plain ugly IMHO.
This has turned into a real quandry.
I'll be sure to let you guys know if I find out anything.
BTW, what up with the search feature?

Blue Duck357

New member
another "I'm sure you checked this..but"

Have you looked at the front sight closely. I once saw one that had "turned" or been installed a bit counter clockwise from perpendicular causing the gun to shoot way left. I've never removed the front sights on any of my Glocks so I don't know how it attaches or if this was just an installation screw up.


New member
I know this is kind of obvious, but have you changed your trigger pull? Newbies shoot glocks low and to the left


New member
You gun has developed the homey syndrom

It's now begging to be held horizontal and at an upward angle. try this for a while and see if it grows out of this "phase":D

Beretta Racer

New member
I few years ago I borrowed a range G***k :barf: and it shot left too, turned out it had a cracked slide that opened up under load but didn't normally show up under casual sight.


New member
I have to ask!!! You didn't leave it on your dashboard in the sun did you????

Okay, I'm sorry! *bad Danny, bad* :rolleyes:


New member
Beretta Racer- there are countless GLOCKS with 200,000 rounds plus through them still going strong. Try THAT
with a B#$#^ta:barf:


New member
just wanted to let you guys know that a new set of Trijicons fixed my baby. Evidently the front sight was twisted ever so slighly. Since the factory front sights are so short (alont the slide length I mean) it was kinda hard to tell.
Thanks so much for all the help.


New member

Were you able to figure out how the front sight got twisted?

Blue Duck 357 Did the wife believe you?