Glock recall of Florida Highway Patrol .45GAPs

Superhouse 15

New member
I was having lunch with a Trooper friend and he told me Glock had recalled all the slides and recoil spring assemblies of their new model 37s. He had to bring his gun in and exchange slides and springs and fire ten rounds to "function check". Keep in mind that each slide is engraved with the FHP logo and each Trooper's badge number. That must have cost Glock a good bit of money.

Any civilian or LEO owners heard of this from Glock or your agency? Thoughts?

I'm not bashing Glock by any means, I own several and a 19 is one of my most used CCWs.


New member
Read somewhere that Glock traded them even-up for their old weapons in order to get the GAP into a major LE agency.

Superhouse 15

New member
They switched to a special model 37 and got them into the hands of the troops a few months ago. My friend was involved in a shooting where the powers that be felt the performance of the issued Ranger T .40 was lacking. Thet got the guns in a 1 for 1 trade for old Beretta 96s, and individual Troopers were able to buy their old guns for a song. They are allowed to carry up to foir magazines on the duty belt and carry with their choice of lights attached to the gun. My friend has no direct knowledge of any recent shootings with the new GAP round. He obviously has strong feelings about the Ranger T .40.


New member
I think the 45acp, 45GAP, 40 S&W, 357sig are so close in performance that it's a moot point as to one being better than the other. Many other factors are involved .Chief wants new guns, makers want their guns to be used by large agencies etc.


New member
The grip size of .40cal and .45ACP Glocks are a difficult fit for LEOs with little hands. - one size doesn't fit all. Inventing the shorter .45GAP was an answer, it seems.


New member
The grip size of .40cal and .45ACP Glocks are a difficult fit for LEOs with little hands. - one size doesn't fit all. Inventing the shorter .45GAP was an answer, it seems.

They do offer grip reductions for those larger grip models.

I have small hands, and I still like the large grips on the 10mm Glock 20.


New member
How is the Glock GAP 45 the answer to the grip of a Glock 22 being too big for LEO hands?

A Glock 22 has a smaller grip than a Glock 21 or 21SF. Never heard there was an issue with the .40 cal Glock being too big for LE.


Actual "testing" of Glock's perfection? What will Glock ever do if they find one to have a "defect"? Probably the cops were "limp wristing" the guns.:rolleyes: It is true that Glock will do ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING to be able to claim that LE is using their guns. Gaston's true talent is marketing.


New member
When I was a trooper in 2004, we were issued 180 gr. Gold Dots, and that was all that was approved. How did your friend get to carry WIN Rangers?


New member
drail said:
Actual "testing" of Glock's perfection? What will Glock ever do if they find one to have a "defect"? Probably the cops were "limp wristing" the guns. It is true that Glock will do ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING to be able to claim that LE is using their guns. Gaston's true talent is marketing.

because the price tag doesn't make them a winner in the "what gun" question to may LE offices. not all offices are like LAPD and have huge budgets. $500 or less for a glock -as paid for by LEO- is alot better than $700+

not that price is the only deciding factor, or that glock is a "cheap" gun


Massad Ayoob; Glock Autopistols magazine, FHP duty sidearms...

For the record; Massad Ayoob, the well known gunwriter & use of force trainer wrote a detailed item about the FHP T&E and selection of the new Glock .45GAP. It's on most news-stands and retail chains(Glock Autopistols).

An Orlando Florida area TV news story also ran about the state troopers using the .45GAP. The FHP's public affairs trooper said $$$ and spare parts/service issues were some of the main reasons the Glock .45GAP pistol was picked.
Ayoob wrote the FHP had the Beretta 96G(a decocker type .40) but only had service pistols for 2 more training classes of state troopers. :(

I, for one, say the factory recall is no huge surprise. Other large state LE agencies have selected the 37s/.45GAP too(PA and New York) but smart police chiefs/sheriffs/agency leaders R&Ded the .45acp sidearms and chose them.
The new 4th gen Glocks are really awful in some ways. In these rough economic times, LE agencies should not waste time or $$$ on unproven models.

Walt Sherrill

New member
How is the Glock GAP 45 the answer to the grip of a Glock 22 being too big for LEO hands?

Indeed. The 22 and 37 have the same grip size as the 17. They're all done on the smaller frame. The 10mm and .45 acp Glocks have the larger grip.


New member
So- is a 45Gap supposed to have more "oomph" than a .40? Seems kind of backward to me.

no but it has much less muzzle flip making it more accurate for a lot of people, me included.


New member
From the list of duty pistols we're allowed to carry, the G37 is one of them. I've had mine for 5 years including a G39 for off duty. I work for a large agency and have not heard of any issues or recalls regarding this model of Glock. We're issued Speer Gold Dot as well.

As much as I like the .45 GAP, I am planning on trading it in for the G21SF this year. Full house 230 grain 13+1 capacity is better than 200 grain 10+1, all in a nice manageable size.


New member
Without any more info it sounds to me like Glock might've wanted one of their first major batches back to see how well they were holding up.

But who knows, maybe they discovered a metallurgy problem with that batch or some terrible machining and recalled them just to be on the safe side. Had the guns been chambered for any other cartridge they probably wouldn't be so cautious, .45GAP is their new baby.