Glock Question

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
Wuz reading an article in "The Village Voice" online. "The Guns of Brooklyn", speaking to the illegal possession and purchasing of handguns.

A reference was made to "It was a nickel-plated .380 Glock that could hold 10 shots".

Did Glock ever make a nickel-plated pistol?




New member
I wasn't even aware that Glock made a handgun in .380 (?) Were there other guns before the whole tupperware trend or is this just bad reporting?


New member
Yes, Glock does make a .380, two different ones as a matter of fact. But never has Glock made a nickel plated sissy pistol! The two different models are the 25 (the size of the 19/23) and the 28 (the size of the 26/27). Both are blowback operated the 25 holding 15 rounds (I believe) and the 28 10 rounds. The 28 is availble in the US to law enforcement only and the 25 is not allowed at all. Appearently they don't meet the BATF's import points. They were mainly made anyway for countries that forbid civilians from owning guns in common military calibers.


New member

Glock does indeed make a .380. I forget what model it was, but it is similar in size to the Glock model 26/27. This pistol is not being made available in America due to import restrictions. This pistol did not meet all the criteria for importation under the new laws.

I am not aware of Glock producing any pistols in a finish other than the standard mattte tennifer type finish. You can get stainless slides and chome plating from aftermarket manufacturers. Still, the pistol in question is not available in the United States to the general public, although I believe Law Enforcement Departments can order this weapon for their specific use only.

Why any department would order a weapon in .380 when the same weapon is available in 9mm and .40 is beyond my understanding, and I would bet very few orders if any have been placed.

Good Shooting


Moderator Emeritus
Logic often...

...does not enter into firearms laws. Why, f'rinstance, was the Beretta AR-70 included on the list of specifically-banned "assault weapons" when you could count the number of semi-auto AR-70's sold in this country without having to use the third row of beads on your abacus?


New member
Before I became an EMT, my cousin, who is a firefighter, told me that the media (print & tv) get 85% of their information wrong. I've found his numbers were conservative.


New member
A little thread drift here

But I really do think that it must be a point of pride in many reporters to be ignorant of objective reality, if it applies to firearms. 30 round clips holding bullets, ammo that can knock trains off the tracks, cop-killer bullets, "the utter lack of meaningful, commonsense gun laws", the hooraw over "pocket rockets", .50BMG rifles, etc. They do not know, and do not wish to learn. If ignorance is bliss, then most of these reporters must be orgasmic.

Long Path

New member
"Glock" seems to be a catch-all these days to handy, idiot-proof semi-auto handguns that are blocky in appearance. Heck, for all we know, they may well have been reporting on a .380 Jennings or Bryco. (Oh, wait. I said "idiot-proof," didn't I...?)



New member
Long Path,

Reminds me of something I saw on TV awhile back; it was one of those real-life E.R. shows. Had a thug that got shot and the lady friend with him looked at the bloody bullet that the doc pulled out of him and she screeched, "That's a 9! That's a 9! That's a Glock!"